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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Did you also catch the intro to the unveil? Master Chief... Fuck it looks incredible.
  2. What do you think that slit along the left side is? lol
  3. bu but no exclusive built for next gen games for Xbox HB2 looks FUCKING INSANE
  4. JonB is gonna be PC gaming whether he buys the console or not
  5. lmao it literally IS just a PC Hellblade 2 though looks phenomenal. PC and SEXclusive
  6. Well duh.. when there's a PC exclusive RPG as competition of course it's going to lose
  7. Maybe... JUST MAYBE... they want to keep the new shit under wraps...
  8. We've literally known since the very beginning that the first part of the Remake would be almost entirely in Midgar... What the fuck is your problem?
  9. Yea it makes sense. What doesn't is you trying to bait an argument. Pathetic fuck. IDGAF about this game. You're literally WAITING for me to care.. lol gl
  10. It makes sense why they would do consoles first.. And I don't give a fuck enough about it to care that I would have to wait for it. I'm literally NOT waiting for it. If it happens or not.. it doesn't matter to me. Idiot
  11. Hmm. We'll find out soon enough I guess. Metal Gear Solid
  12. Really impressed with Star Wars. Glad that the game is doing well for Respawn. Hopefully this is the wakeup call for EA to give Respawn some more budget and build them up into a premiere studio. They really have the ability to put out high quality multi-player AND single-player games. This is a win for SP games and hopefully EA realizes that they could release more games like this and not flood them with micro-transaction shit.
  13. no shit... lmao. Posting a date (2015) like as if that's supposed to mean it should run something because hey 2015 >>> 2012.. rite
  14. Could you fucking IMAGINE if it's Demon's Souls Remake... I'm honestly not ready for some announcement like that tonight.. would be godly
  15. I'm not trying to spin it as anything lmao. You're trying hard to make a big deal about it to someone who doesn't really give a fuck about it lmao..
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