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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LMAO acting like I give a fuck if games come day 1 or not... lmao Keep downplaying each and every new game they bring to other platforms... I love it
  2. Well of course it's speculation dumbass... The thing is... it's not completely out of the question.. it's in fact seeming quite likely.
  3. Acting like Sony potentially losing theirs wouldn't be more of a big deal than MS losing theirs
  4. I mean... imagine if it wasn't about the wars... and just about playing games And no... millions upon millions will continue to buy consoles... PC's aren't for everyone.. and they are expensive.
  5. Who would have thought that Sony would confirm a game for Xbox before Xbox ever confirmed a PS game that wasn't Minecraft
  6. Features breh.. I said features. You're in denial... I get it. But I'm pretty sure I told you this way back on SS.net.
  7. I would not be surprised if these "insiders" and people leaking and commenting on shit like this are a part of a control leak effort to ease the community to accept it. I mean, you simply only have to open your eyes to see where this industry is heading. Games are costing small fortunes to make, risk is much higher, and the industry is worth billions and billions and growing... They WANT to reach everyone they can. They'll differentiate their hardware with unique features and such... but the idea will be to reach as many screens and customers as possible.
  8. Sony "exclusives" I swear to god if Horizon ZD is announced for PC at either State of Play or TGAs I'm going to laugh at you endlessly and never let you live it down
  9. Jim Ryan is the Phil Spencer of Sony He sees dollar signs and nothing more... no fanboy shit. He's out to make money. PS games on other platforms will bring that money in
  10. Nintendo literally retweeted it... it's guaranteed.. lmao Sony devs can handle development across multiple platforms just as well as any other developers.
  11. Their Driver UI and control panel. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-announces-radeon-adrenalin-2020-edition-drivers Lots of changes and improvements: Nvidia's control panel is stuck in the 90s lmao. They REALLY need to overhaul that shit. Hopefully this from AMD pushes them to do so.
  12. how much money does it actually make for them? This is not a 5-10 million seller.. I'm sure the license is a contributing factor... but in the days of old.. Sony would NOT have given in to this. Sony would say.. you want to sell MLB games on our platform then you do as we say... No other company gives a fat fuck about MLB.. Nintendo and MS have done without it for forever... it's not a strong brand in the grand scheme of things. Times are changing boys...
  13. Like as if MLB sells enough for Sony to give a FAT FUCK about needing the licence.. They could just as easily tell the MLB to fuck off and whichever 3rd party gets the rights would be making the game for PS4 regardless... Sony would not bend over backwards for that licence when the implications of their own first party studio developing games for rival consoles could stand to "hurt" them more.. especially during a gen transition... Sony OBVIOUSLY wants to do this... You guys even heard Sony say that their games would be coming to other platforms in the future.. They
  14. Must be why Sony fought so hard to keep the game they entirely funded.. Death Stranding.. exclusive to PS4.... It seems to me Disney has ALL of the leverage with the game rights.. and they'll use that to their advantage if they can. You're referencing the movie deal.. but face it.. that has tons of other influences behind it that the game simply wouldn't have. Why are you acting like Sony did all the work lol. I told you... it STARTS with secondary IPs... like Quantum Break... You're right.. Horizon ZD showing up on PC doesn't cost Sony anything. They s
  15. Yea I mean... possibly. Maybe Disney will force Sony to make Spiderman multiplat too if they want to keep the license... lmao that sets a dangerous precedence. I doubt Sony gives a fuck about the MLB licence.. since if MLB went to another studio it would release on PS4 all the same and baseball fans would buy it... I mean.. you guys just have to start seeing the signs.. Times are changing. Detroit, Death Stranding, Sony themselves have even said you're going to see more games of theirs appearing on other platforms in the future. PS Now.... God of War, Uncharted, an
  16. Yea... and Nintendo and MS are tweeting about it for no reason LMAO TCHBFR!! BCHBR It's hilarious that no matter where you're running to these games are losing exclusivity
  17. I'll still honestly be surprised if this ends up being true. I mean... given recent events it's seeming more and more likely... but Horizon is one of their "flagship" franchises.. Will still be HUGE news.. Aza would be so owned
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