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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Those fucking BASTARDS. And since PC is such a general term... we now have to worry that every announced "PC release" is potentially Stadia exclusive
  2. I mean.. if you're making a stadia version then it's literally.... ctrl+c ctrl+v
  3. Yeah. I mean, I'm not trying to be an ass or anything. <3 Anyway, I ran the bench and got: 1080p 4K They said they're going to update the benchmark with hardware support in the future, so I'm interested in seeing what kind of a difference it will make.
  4. It's basically a prequel to The Binding of Isaac. And yea, I'm not surprised. Edmund and James released it on their own.. so it doesn't have a publisher pushing it. Although I think it was confirmed coming to Switch as well and Nicalis might publish that version. The game itself is good... but it's just not in a good state with regards to polish.
  5. Just leave me wallow in my own self pity
  6. I picked it up and I can already tell the game has a lot of potential... but definitely can't recommend anyone pick it up at this point in time because it's clearly not finished/polished. It's a buggy mess at this point. Soft locks, bugs with the sound.. and just a general lack of polish. There's not even an options menu... it basically has one of those generic Unity config settings that you set the resolution and "beautiful/fantastic" graphics settings before you launch the game..and that's it... I'm kind of disappointed because the core game here I can tell is going to be grea
  7. Bringing up "not wanting attention" is a great point. I know for a fact that this is true in many cases. I'll never argue that... I was never trying to make a point against that. Again, regarding this specifically, I said that nobody should be forced to wear them. It's not like I'd ever hate people who don't wear them... I completely understand that the day has more meaning to some than others. That's only natural.. But I personally certainly respect people who wear them more than those who don't. I take pride in seeing others make an effort to understand our history and show
  8. I specifically say this: "I see a lot less people wearing poppies these days. People either don't know... don't care... or don't understand.. Regardless.. it's sad. The day exists for a reason and new people coming into the country should understand and respect why this holiday exists..." I already said there's a practical reasoning for it... they might not know. However, I can observe people who have been here for 10+ years and still don't wear poppies. It's not a generalization... it's observable. I don't think they should be forced to wear them... but I know th
  9. I hope it scores an 8 or better. I really want there to be another good Star Wars SP game. It's been forever.
  10. I'm not talking about whether they should have the freedom to wear poppies or not or that they need to be patriotic.. I'm talking about whether or not it's racist to think that people who come to this country should show respect to those who fought for it's freedom.
  11. It's racist to tell people that come to this country that they should respect and show support to the people who fought for it's freedoms? lol ok. I see a lot less people wearing poppies these days. People either don't know... don't care... or don't understand.. Regardless.. it's sad. The day exists for a reason and new people coming into the country should understand and respect why this holiday exists...
  12. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-06-28-it-sounds-like-tequila-works-new-stadia-game-gylt-will-come-to-other-platforms-too ...
  13. wtf.. you should be able to... Are you going to the priest? Look for the "rectification" option. Other than that you're not asking anything.. just making statements.. oh well, as for if it will make a difference... eh.. Not really. You're worrying about shit too much imo. If you're not having any issues just keep going until you feel you need to respec if at all...
  14. I can't remember when exactly it happens, but I think you should already be able to do it? Go see a priest and check if you can already.
  15. If only I wasn't playing it at 60fps with less input lag and better visuals on this PC.... that I already owned.
  16. Buys a $500 Xbox One... (resolution doesn't matter guys ) PS4 stomps it into the ground... Orders a $500 Xbox One X... now our games will be better A year later and every big game releasing is performing better or visually looks better on the $400 Pro (bu but the resolution is higher ) Buys an $800 Dell PC with a shitty GPU Figures out it sucks so he buys a different $350 GPU to play games at 1080p 60fps Plays games on it instead of his shitbox when he can because he knows 30fps sucks All NDPs continue to show nobody gives a shit about Xbox Worst Xbox
  17. #notMYpc 60fps 4K goodness at better than X1X settings X1X 30fps with drops at lower settings than the PC's lowest You specifically didn't play the X1X version cause it controls like shit with terrible input lag... nothing on Xbox can help that It's literally embarrassing how inferior the console versions are to this on PC... and yet the lems come running. Xbox can't even claim it has the best looking version of RDR2 anymore "RDR2 best on Xbox!" "It's never coming to PC"
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