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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Not really. I've had a couple stutters here and there. Hardly anything that ruins the experience. It's far better than the console versions
  2. I never said I thought they were lying... I said they aren't representative of everyone's experience with the game...
  3. No... that's simply not true. Dude, it's obviously a low key jab at the dude.
  4. Exactly. These guys are just being dumb as fuck... I totally get that people are over-sensitive these days... It's just a shirt right? Well... a shirt that is associated with my brand an a "logo" representing me... regardless of the intent behind it, can easily be seen as representing blackface... and I wouldn't be down with that at all if I was a black person. So...
  5. Tell me... if the shirt designer wanted to make a shirt, purposefully using the blackface stereotype, but was trying to hide it behind the guise of appearing just "as a black shirt with a mouth and teeth on it"... what would it look like? It would look like the shirt in the OP
  6. Which is weird.. because it's a Ryzen/Radeon sponsored game So I tested this out a bit late last night and today. I basically got to making the decision between helping one side or another with power.. and yea.. it does have some issues with stuttering. It wasn't anything super severe for me though. Just a hitch here and there at random times. I decided to try cranking the resolution really high and just locking the fps to 45 with motion blur cranked all the way up.. which to my surprise completely smoothed everything out. I honestly don't think this game was desi
  7. The OP image appears racist because it seems obvious the intentions behind it. There's purposeful ambiguity to whether or not it's actually a mouth and teeth.. It's meant to be a slight. If they actually had an obvious looking smile which the character apparently does often... plus his name incorporated into a logo which obviously wasn't using the rest of the shirt as a representation of "the face" then I don't think it would be an issue. The biting lip logo has no racial connotations behind it... it's stupid to try to use a shirt like that as if to say "So red mouth+white teeth+
  8. No. The girls likely not a huge racist because she wore a black shirt with a "biting lip" on it.. which is a generic logo....
  9. Dude is just an incredible talent. You hear him live, it's like a studio recording. His voice is so damned powerful too. Here's a cover of Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine" Through the Valley live
  10. First, let me say that I 100% agree that people are too sensitive these days and need to learn to take a joke. That said, I do see something wrong with this shirt. Having a bunch of your merchandise out there, associated with your name, that was essentially a spit in the face to you and your race, would definitely not sit well with you. It's obvious the intent was to make fun... but also done in such a way that it wasn't meant to be immediately apparent to anyone. Meaning it's shady as fuck. For me... there's a huge difference between things like that cosp
  11. King Gothalion just announced he's moving to Mixer as well.. He's a good sized Destiny streamer who does a lot of variety stuff as well. I think it's only a matter of time until Summit1G goes as well and Dr Disrespect. They'll probably poach that Pokimane bitch too. After that... the dominoes will fall.
  12. How the fuck can you not understand that the goal is to change the industry standard on PC? It's complete bullshit as it is now. Valve continuing to allow their store to be flooded by shit does nothing to help developers. You think all these little features and shit that they are doing is just so awesome and the reason why they earn their 30%... but the reality is that Valve is creating these problems themselves. Their hands-off automated approach to everything.. let the customers do all the work type shit is exactly why it's unfolding the way it is. I mostly only ca
  13. lmao like really... who the fuck cares about pre-loading these days? On Steam if you pre-load you just have to wait for the game to decrypt anyway.. not that it takes that long.. but it's like who the fuck really cares? Epic has a long way to go.. but like I've said.. most shit people attribute to clients is unnecessary fluff. I don't really care how long it takes them, or if they ever do half the shit that Valve has.. I just want games to have their full functionality as advertised, as well as developers pocketing more of the money to be more successful.
  14. Yea. It's doing well critically.. so a sequel will definitely get a bigger budget. Obsidian was a good get for MS.
  15. Nah.. they definitely are in the position where all the big pubs are leaving them. Ubisoft is essentially gone at this point.. Valve undoubtedly cut a deal with them. Probably 80/20 split on all sales from day 1.
  16. Nah. TOW isn't going anywhere. I'd prefer to just finish them. Nice thing about TOW on PC though.. is that you can disable that terribly overdone Chromatic Aberration effect. That right there makes it the best by default It got ugly elements for sure, but it can actually look quite nice if some of the screens being posted are any indication
  17. So basically if you've been following it at all, EA has been making changes to versions of their games on Steam, among other things which suggests, and is leading people to believe that they're readying their games to be like Uplay is for Ubisoft.. where you'd still essentially need the Origin client, but you can buy your games from Steam and get all the benefits that Steam provides. Well, they've pretty much made it all but official at this point. EA posted this on their Twitter: Which was liked by one of Valves business developers. Basically all but conf
  18. You're hyping me into giving the game a try. But I wanna finish Grandia 2 and Asgard's Wrath first dammit
  19. It's dumb that it's not cross-save.
  20. You're playing on PC? @DynamiteCop!
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