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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It felt tedious. Sam hitches up on anlot of tony rocks so it braks the flow here and there, but its cool to ser up ladders and use ropes. Even more cool to see stuff left by people. The walking makes it tedious, timefall are essentially the stealth moments, a lot of the time ur screwed if ur driving cause the weather damages it.
  2. This thread is for impressions from people who've played it early.... there's lots of people in the Discord... I'm going to post more One guy said it's a definite 5/10
  3. "pacing is way offStory is interesting, just too much gaps in betweenif you don't play this game often you'll forget what happened before the next cutscene happens""DS is basically 1hr of cool shit4hrs of delivering packages to npcs"open world is more interesting than MGSV, but has the same drawbacks of open world -"it's more interesting lol, mgs5 was so deadhard to beat it""it's fun when you explore new landbut when the game asks you to drive back 5km just to deliver a package to a place you've been to beforeyou're like "fk off"""all the safe houses look the exact samethey all have the exact
  4. Remij

    I love how

    More like it was mocking you for being unable to say that.
  5. Remij

    I love how

    Right, so the intention of the thread is to mock you... and that's what was done. First Cooke's posts.. then HolyAx asking who's the bigger punching bag... you or Dynamite... the Kokujin mocking how you had to fight the urge to not post the words "I love how" then me mocking you... then lynux mocking you with the Jerry-go-round meme... then Jon mocking you about living with your brother... Now... you can feel what you want about any or all of those things and how they affect you, and you can call it whatever you want. But what you can't change is the fact that eve
  6. Remij

    I love how

    You said that in this very thread.
  7. Remij

    I love how

    No they aren't making fun of me... they're just butthurt... for some reason.
  8. Remij

    I love how

    Got you in denial
  9. Remij

    I love how

    I'd rather do like what this thread is about and mock you for posting like this:
  10. Remij

    I love how

    I'm just proving how butthurt you are by this thread.... because... you can't even do a simple thing like acknowledge the point of it. "I don't see it as mocking... I see it as butthurt." Yea................................. because it's mocking you It's not bothering me I swear As he continues to run, deny, hide, and attempt to downplay that he's the joke in this thread
  11. Remij

    I love how

    You let me know when you're ready to admit that this thread is mocking the fuck out of you, and no amount of your denial is going to change that. LOLOL
  12. Remij

    I love how

    Yes.. we can. And will. And you can't stop that. LOL How about you acknowledge first that you post like you do in the OP like I asked you to, before we start talking about other things You can't even admit to that... in a thread making fun of you (with proof) for doing it... all. the. time.
  13. Remij

    I love how

    Look how in denial about it you are. I didn't create the thread. I'm simply partaking in it's purpose And I certainly think that did work. As I said... you can't stop the rest of us from laughing at your expense. Nobody is telling you to act in any way. Your posts show what you are. And in denial is definitely what you are. ROFL
  14. Remij

    I love how

    You recognize it as butthurt....because the intention was to mock you..... I DO know that... by reading the post. You have no problem with the thread mocking you... because you see it as butthurt. You have no problem with other forumites mocking you... because you see it as butthurt. Mocking someone is juvenile.. sure. It's also warranted in this case. There's tons of proof posted in the OP. We're laughing at your expense. You don't ever get to change that. You only get to control how offended you appear. You're being picked o
  15. Remij

    I love how

    Yes you did. You just stated "how wouldn't I recognize it"... So you DON'T understand that the threads purpose is to mock you? Is that what you're saying? I'm pretty sure you said you "had no problem with it" Which means you recognize it... but it doesn't bother you. I believe you even equated it to being picked on by some toddlers. So yea... you know the thread is picking on you... mocking you. And you're trying to downplay how much it's bothering/offending you. Which doesn't help you.. because you're running away from simple questions, and making false claims/s
  16. Remij

    I love how

    Right. So you did recognize it. Just say yes next time and shut your trap. No.. I'm implying you have, and understand that this thread is mocking you. You recognize that you're being picked on because you understand the threads intention is to mock you... You even say as much right in the first part of this post I'm quoting... LOL. As I said.. the question isn't if you're being mocked/picked on... but rather how offended you are by it. And the fact that you're running from questions... claiming false things... and speculating that because people are picki
  17. Remij

    I love how

    Yea... this thread mocking you for that. You recognized it right away. You recognized it... because you specifically didn't have to do it. How is that proving that I was copying Jonb? I said you CLAIMED I was copying him... and that your reason was because I was all out of ideas. That's your claim... completely speculation. Remember how I said that was your CLAIM.... you can't verify that claim... so you can't verify I'm out of ideas. You're..... SPECULATING. Claiming that I'm picking on you the same way that others pick on you is not helpin
  18. Remij

    I love how

    You recognized that because you SPECIFICALLY OMITTED and admitted that the reason why you didn't type that "was because it was already done for you".. That proves you know the intent was to mock how you post. It's indicative that you recognize the intent... but are dismissing the effectiveness of it. But my argument is that throughout this thread, you've shown exactly just how offended you are by it.. and continue to be by it. You're trying to downplay it. And yes.. it is speculation. You claimed I'm posting like Jonb... because I was out of ideas. That's speculati
  19. Remij

    I love how

    You actions in this thread are observable... You admitted the intent of the thread was to mock you. You asked how offended one could possibly get... so your actions in this thread is a perfect answer to that question. Let's see how much you continue to get offended, shall we? And you're..... speculating.... on the Jonb thing. As you usually do.
  20. Remij

    I love how

    There's no imagination required. It's all right here Jehurey. And no... nice try. We all know you rent a place with your brother.
  21. Remij

    I love how

    Through your actions. You're obviously offended... because you recognize the intent of the thread was to mock you. But then you asked.. "How offended could one possibly get?" So the question is HOW offended are you? Well, apparently enough that you continue to refuse to admit the thread is mocking you...
  22. Remij

    I love how

    I love that you admitted you're offended...
  23. Remij

    I love how

    You're making a case for how offended one can possibly get
  24. Remij

    I love how

    Yea... I'd stick my fingers in my ears and pretend like I'm not understanding or hearing anything too.. just like you are. "It's ok sweetie.. if you just ignore it they'll stop making fun of you eventually"
  25. Remij

    I love how

    Do you understand that you are being mocked? Do you understand that regardless of what answer you choose, you will be mocked for either doing what people claim you always do... or specifically not doing it... because people are mocking you for it? Do you understand that you've already answered the question... because you've already admitted that Cooke "already typed out the first part for you"... and then that I was "trying to imitate you to get at you"... Yes... this thread is about imitating you... it's about mocking you. YOU are the joke in this thread Jehurey. No matter how
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