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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij

    I love how

    So you don't love how people are mocking you in this thread? Because saying that people are resorting to imitating you... shows that you understand what is happening.
  2. Remij

    I love how

    Stop babbling Jerry. Everyone is noticing. You DO love how people are mocking you for always saying you love how
  3. Remij

    I love how

    No. You first post indicates that you DO love how... since you specifically omitted it because "he already said it for you" The rest of your posts are you attempting to deflect from the question you were being asked. Multiple deflections actually.
  4. Remij

    I love how

    So you have no problem with this thread mocking you? Your posts in here would dictate otherwise.
  5. Remij

    I love how

    I didn't ask if you had a problem with it. I asked if you love it. Yes or no?
  6. Remij

    I love how

    How can it be more clear? Do you.. or do you not love how you don't have to say "I love how" in a thread mocking you for always saying "I love how"? Yes or no.
  7. Remij

    I love how

    So you said you "didn't know what I'm babbling about... but that yes, you loved it" then I clarified what I was babbling about.... and said "So you DO love it and you to just say that next time" and then you act like you didn't know what I was referring to again... so I clarified it again.... Next time YOU should read. You DO love not having to say "I love how" in a thread mocking you for always saying that. That's all you had to do.
  8. Remij

    I love how

    No.. not that. What I stated before that. The thing you're trying to ignore. You do love that too... because let's be frank... you love everything.
  9. Remij

    I love how

    So you do. That's all you should have said in the first place. Thank you.
  10. He's just like you. He ditched Xbox to run to another console. The difference is that he's getting paid, and you're just a forum loser
  11. Remij

    I love how

    I asked you if you loved it... not if it was a problem. So your answer is yes... you love not having to do the thing in this thread that you are being mocked for..... You were bothered enough to specifically NOT bring it up... because it was already done for you.
  12. Remij

    I love how

    No... I mean not having to do the thing you're being mocked for doing... because it was already done for you.
  13. Remij

    I love how

    Don't you just love that?
  14. Remij

    I love how

    It's on display in every thread.
  15. Other games to play. I can't play fighting games anymore like when I was a kid. I'm not even talking about skill or anything... just that they don't hold my interest for that long.
  16. Uninstalled that a long time ago. How about a race in FH4
  17. I've beaten you in every benchmark. Just look at the GPU results. The test is all about CPU at 1080p with my GPU... because it's 100% limited. So... I've been sweating trying to push MY CPU... to beat the achieved fps score you posted... not anything else. And I did.
  18. It's not GPU dependent when you're testing at 1080p with a top of the line Nvidia GPU. It is with a top of the line AMD gpu though
  19. This is CPU vs CPU... the game isn't heavily GPU dependent because you're only wanting to test in 1080p... And I already showed my GPU min/avg/max fps destroying yours... while being completely 100% CPU bound... with only ~75% of my GPU being utilized.. You did it to yourself.
  20. The purple one is alright. Wouldn't be caught dead with any of the other ones though.
  21. The new CPUs are going to allow for so much more it's not even funny So yea, the most important takeaway here is that raw TF numbers aren't and never have been a good way to compare capabilities between GPUs. Especially when they are different architectures... Games can be bottlenecked in so many different ways. The number is essentially meaningless. Like as if Nvidia hasn't proven that time and time again. Richard seems intent on making that clear, so it's likely that the TF number would seem disappointing on it's own. That's why I think this talk that PS5 is mor
  22. So you admit to showing an old outdated graph to push your little agenda claiming that a 5700XT could beat a 2080ti. I came in and corrected you.... and showed you benches that the 2070S was as fast... Then you admitted that what you showed to begin with was outdated and you didn't know that Nvidia had a performance patch for that game (which was a fucking lie) and then you started pitting your own GPU against it.... with your faster CPU. And that's the reason why you only want to benchmark at 1080p... Since the Nvidia gpus are CPU bottlenecked at 1080p. So then you asked me to p
  23. Ok... and? Thing is... I didn't say a damn thing about about how much you spent VS what I spent until you started bringing up that I spent $1200 on my GPU as a reason to gloat about your shit while obviously glossing over the facts. The point was that YOU YOURSELF have spent tons of money on a single component to have "the best".. So don't come at me with the bullshit of spending some money on something I wanted as well. I don't need a 2080ti to game...just like you don't need a threadripper to compile code, cryptomine, or reencode videos. We've both spent a lot of money to have
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