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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Uh... excuse me? I posted pics FROM THEIR ARTICLE. I didn't watch the video until after You think I posted pics from the video... I must be a miracle worker to catch the exact frames from the video... that they did in their comparison tool in their article... Looks like you made an assumption.... and got caught being wrong. So now that we know that the entire basis of your argument... that I was PURPOSEFULLY OMITTING information from the video... was complete BULLSHIT.
  2. It started on your post... about xbox live... but then you made it about me and you.. and another thread. Hence.. you derailed this thread.
  3. I posted where the pics came from. I never claimed their opinion was an extension of my own. WOW... looks like YOU were the one misleading the entire time Nothing I've said changes. Period.
  4. No.. I pointed out that you were speculating... and that it wasn't factual what you were posting... yet you were acting like it was. You're not owed any more of anything... that's what you were doing.. and it's a fact. You do that a lot. I think I'm going to keep pointing it out when you do. Now get back on topic. You say I'm the one derailing it... so any attempt after this post to talk about anything other than the subject of this topic.. is you derailing it further.
  5. I didn't say anything about their analysis. It doesn't matter where their analysis leaned. They posted the pictures. I posted them.. and formed my own opinion on them, and for other people to form their own. What they said...and what you think doesn't matter. It. Simply. Doesn't. But.. they most certainly say that it's hard to recommend the Switch version in docked mode connected to a TV. And I agree. Nothing has changed. You simply posting irrelevant information that doesn't change what I've posted... at all.
  6. I called your post about Xbox live.. speculation. That's on subject... and it's also true. You WERE speculating. The subject wasn't changed until you tried to make it about ME...and another thread
  7. What did you correct? If you corrected me.. that means those pictures aren't what they are.. and Digital Foundry didn't say that "it's hard to recommend playing the game docked on a TV". Where was the correction? You ADDED.... information that wasn't pertinent to what I posted. Because it doesn't change what I posted.
  8. More speculation And you've derailed the thread. You see.. when I said you were speculating... you could have said no.. and continued to talk about the subject. But instead you started talking about me and another thread. You've basically derailed this thread as you normally do. So do the thread a favor... and stop speculating about ME... and talk about the subject. Thanks.
  9. Your opinion... doesn't change what I posted. That's. a. FACT.
  10. No........ DF's remarks don't change the pictures they posted... and the words that I quoted. Those are facts.. those ARE digital foundry's findings. Are you saying that they recommend docked mode? Are you saying that they didn't post those pictures? If you're not.. then shut up... because those facts will remain facts.
  11. No I said speculation... referring to what you were doing in THAT post in THIS thread. That's a fact. YOU... thinking it was in reference to another thread... changed the subject to that. So... you were wrong. Thanks for playing.. and losing... again.
  12. Digital Foundry posted the images I posted. Digital Foundry made the remark I quoted. That's not changing... no matter who's opinion you think matters more.
  13. You're the one trying to change the subject. Did you or did you not speculate what I'm doing in your post? Yes or no. Would whatever you're falsely accusing me of change the fact that you were speculating? No? Then that's a true statement I made. Thanks for playing.
  14. That's fine if you think that.... but it doesn't change AT ALL the pictures I've posted, and the quote I made. 100% factual.
  15. Can you prove what you stated in your post? No you can't. Therefore, you were speculating. That's a fact. You're the one talking about other threads... It seems like YOU are the one carrying over things from other threads.
  16. No. My opinion is my opinion. The pictures aren't misleading at all. They ARE what they ARE. There's no clauses to those pictures.. there's no story... that changes them. You can think whatever you want. I could say those pictures are the most amazing looking handheld pictures in the world (they aren't)... and that doesn't change them. The only thing that would have changed is you wouldn't have started crying DF says.. it's hard to recommend the game in docked mode connected to a TV. And I agree with that. Whatever you're going on about... doesn't matter. It
  17. To think... Jerry's trying his hardest to defend this version of the game.... in DF's honor. bubut you're not posting the whole story Pictures speak for themselves... someone thinking they're good for Switch... doesn't change them
  18. "He's actually bringing in his butthurt from another thread" Pure speculation. I think it's because you're upset.
  19. No... my opinion remains "Yea..... no." And the picture and quote remain the same... factual. Whatever YOU think doesn't apply here
  20. Hey @DynamiteCop! look at this: Can you imagine that being a native output from a console in 2019? It looks like a 2007 360p youtube video Thanks to Digital Foundry for capturing this picture!
  21. Does the rest of the story change what I've said? No. I'm speaking about the docked mode. What did they say about that Jehurey? Oh yea, it's hard to recommend. That's their conclusion on the docked mode. I posted them saying that... because that's what they said. Nothing else in the story matters. You didn't correct me at all. What I said remains TRUE.
  22. You ARE speculating... again. Keep on doing so.... like I told you you would. I most certainly am enjoying this. Watch.. I'm going to make you speculate again... and there's literally NOTHING you can do about it.
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