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Everything posted by Remij

  1. They're not my pictures... they're Digital Foundry's pictures... which is why I mentioned Digital Foundry. They serve their own purpose... which is to show people in a FACTUAL manner how each version looks visually. Opinions on them.... simply don't matter. They ARE what they ARE. Anyone here is free to form their own opinion on them... and would you look at that... people are... and it DOESN'T MATTER what DIGITAL FOUNDRY THINKS about that
  2. Digital Foundry can have their opinion... it DOESN'T CHANGE THE PICTURES THEY POSTED. And you're DAMNED RIGHT I can have my own opinion. You can continue to SPECULATE whatever you want.. It's a Free Country Bruh That's great that Digital Foundry thinks that.... the FACT remains... that it looks like this: And THAT'S the truth. Nothing you EVER say, will change that.
  3. He's a main character. And 30 vs 60fps The best studio... vs 343i...
  4. I didn't do any explaining... because there's nothing to explain. The pics speak for themselves. You're the one trying to explain why Digital Foundry's opinion somehow makes them different. I think people in this thread know the truth
  5. It's garbage. Less than 720p 25-30fps paired back graphics in every regard worse sound quality compressed video quality What a mess.
  6. Yes it is. The shots came from Digital Foundry and I explained where they came from. Nothing more needs to be said. People WILL formulate their own opinions... just like Digital Foundry did. And nobody's opinion, including Digital Foundry, changes those screenshots. They ARE what they ARE.
  7. He's a main character in the game. He's not "the playable character" but he's a main character.
  8. That's speculation. I didn't say anything about what they said. I didn't make any comment. I posted comparison shots from their article. They don't need context. They ARE what they ARE.. and that's NOT changing REGARDLESS of their OPINION.
  9. You're speculating again. It "seems like" does it? The screenshots I posted are the EVIDENCE... they don't change regardless of the OPINION of Digital Foundry. Are you claiming those pictures are wrong?
  10. The screenshots speak for themselves. It doesn't matter what digital foundry thinks.
  11. Digital Foundry's article/video is up... PS4 Switch Docked PS4 Switch yea..... no.
  12. It really shouldn't be experienced like that though. Even a low end PC will run this game better.
  13. It's soo much better Also, if you're into those kinds of things, and you have decent hardware, there's a mod that spans the entire game which greatly increases the resolution of textures.. and even fixes some of the lower polygonal meshes in the game.. while keeping a look that's consistent with the original.
  14. It's not the first next gen game. It's a cross gen game. Look at you losing your shit... talking about graphics while touting Switch as your main platform
  15. No, of course he's not going to say. Still though.. I think he gives a good hint as to why she left.. It seems like she wanted to work with her friend.. who likely got her the job there. (turns out he's the founder, so he probably poached her) Mary joining Josh Holmes at Midwinter is nothing short of exciting news for me, because I’m eager to give Scavengers another go soon (I played it at E3 and thoroughly enjoyed it). Lots of devs make moves to go to more independent studios later in their careers. The timing sucks... but she probably left knowing that
  16. There was talk that she was filling in until the replacement could be found. Life happens. She made a choice to leave... what he's obviously intending with his post is to clarify that there's no issue.. and the entire team is on track to hit the 2020 release.
  17. Yea, but you're just speculating. TL;DR: Title is super misleading, there is no creative dilemma inside the studio, and there’s no writing on the walls.
  18. Yeah. It definitely could be. It will be interesting to see how MS differentiates current gen from next gen with this game. I think it will be far more than just resolution differences. We'll just have to wait and see.
  19. Joel... main character.. current gen game 30fps Pilot... side character.. current gen game 60fps
  20. XO sounds about right.. but X1X is harder to say. I think X1X will go a bit higher, but 1440p will be the lowest it will drop. Scarlett will be 4K/60 with the highest possible settings. I dunno if the game will support RT or not. With the noise MS is making about Scarlett supporting ray-tracing.. you would think it would. But it will be very limited. I think in key scenes, Chief's helmet visor might use it. It seems that way, from the first engine reveal. At first I thought that was just a faked effect.. but now that RT hardware has been confirm
  21. Dropping down onto Installation 07 with lush environmental visuals... insane draw distances.. with this fidelity. Driving around in a Warthog with tons of enemies and shit happening.. It's so fucking clean and detailed.. If we got another taste at XO London I would be happy.
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