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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Shit.. they actually had over 6 million concurrent viewers between Twitch and Youtube Holy shit Epic.. make that money baby
  2. If you say so motherfucker. You were running to consoles first to say how it would be standardized..... Bookmarked.
  3. Standardized RT.... with each console handling it differently https://www.tweaktown.com/news/67900/ps5-xbox-scarlett-both-handle-ray-tracing-differently/index.html
  4. Dumb as bricks Ohhhhhh so NOW you think AMDs amazing RT technology will work on current Navi GPUs? How will it do that when it's not based on their amazing new standardized next gen console tech?
  5. AMD will not have a standard. You simply refuse to... or don't understand how these things work. Remember when PS4/XO had AMD gpus and GCN architectures... and how it meant that games were going to perform better on AMD PC hardware..... remember that? Yea... we do too DXR and Vulkan are the standards... AMD and Nvidia have their solutions which work within that standard. DXR and Vulkan are the APIs which developers use to create games.... Nvidia and AMD gpus will be DXR/Vulkan compliant... Standards come from the APIs.... not from the hard
  6. Eh, it doesn't really hurt to speculate. It passes the time. But outside of the comparison stuff.. if a person says they've seen something, and are a creditable person, then it's exciting to hear their opinions on it.
  7. Yea me too. Can't wait to see what true next gen only games will look like. He mentioned something about the TF number being double digits, but it sounds like that might be as a comparison to past gen consoles.. meaning Vega TFs. The consoles COULD possibly come in around 8-9 Navi TFs. But that other rendering advancements and capabilities will push it well beyond. Using TFs to compare between generations is meaningless... especially between the enhanced consoles and these ones. These consoles will be much better designed and balanced around improving every visual aspect of a
  8. He said it's close to that, and that there's no mistaking it for a current gen game. Said it puts games like RDR2 and TLOU2 to complete shame. It was open world, and the amount of dynamic things happening is just on another level completely. He specifically mentioned the "flyover" part of the trailer, where you can see the entire city. The amount of detail was on that level. Also, he said that he thinks people will be disappointed in how close spec-wise the two consoles are. That people would be expecting a bigger difference between them.
  9. I posted a pic from DF's video of the Switch version... which CLEARLY shows it missing AO. You see... I even put the red squares around some of the areas... so you would actually know where to look So yea... TOM didn't address shit... which is why he did a bad job... and was comparing the 30fps consistent Switch version against the 30-60fps fluctuating XO version pre-patch. Now run along kiddo.
  10. You... talking about graphics at all Yes... missing ambient occlusion TOM.... didn't address the patch... bitch and that vsynced version which drops was less frames than Switch.... and extremely rarely tears. Gouko... do yourself a favor.. and shut the fuck up.. you don't know shit
  11. They address it.... in the original face off article... that SOME GUY NOT NAMED TOM MORGAN.. did. Tom Morgan HAD NO FUCKING IDEA THAT A 30FPS LOCK EXISTED... and was comparing the fluctuating 30-60fps of the XO to the 30fps of the Switch. TOM.... DID NOT ADDRESS IT in the Switch video. The FACT that he says "in fact.. I wish PS4 had a 30fps cap all things considered" proves that he has no idea that the option is there.... and has been there since launch day on XO. Being stupid and not understanding that isn't going to help your argument.
  12. They never showed the XO version updated... because they didn't even know it existed. It drops a single frame, and tears once in 5 min. Meanwhile in the Switch version drops frames every time it goes into x-ray mode.. goes into a new area.. has polygonal edges like Virtua fighter.. no ambient occlusion It's not my fault that you're intentionally misunderstanding what Tom was referring to when he said the Switch was preferable... which was 30fps vs fluctuating 30-60fps. And it's CERTAINLY NOT MY FAULT that he says "in fact.. I wish PS4 had a 30fps cap all things con
  13. Why would you think I didn't read the OP? I've stated in many posts already that the game tears a single frame in 5 min from what they've shown... adaptive vsync.. is still... vsynced. It would be a point... if the XO droped frames like the Switch version... but it does not. He's comparing 2 very different things... and you're conflating what he's saying. So no. You just have to deal with the fact that Tom fucked up and didn't even realize that the XO version had a 30fps lock. You're NOT changing that detail. And you're NOT changing the fact that he sai
  14. That's not what they said. And no... you're not DF. You agreeing with them doesn't change the fact that they omitted information which pertains to what he was ACTUALLY COMPARING and saying was preferable. The 30fps lock.
  15. No. I'm reading what you're typing.. and it doesn't line up at all with what Tom said. That's a fact. He even says in the video... and I quote "the Switch next, while docked, the performance is far more preferable. In fact, I wish PS4 had a 30fps cap.. all things considered." He acts like the 30fps locked vsynced version on XO doesn't exist. He omitted that information. So his CLAIM was invalidated... because he didn't know the latter existed. He even said "arguably the better version"... well... I'm arguing with him Tom should know better. And so s
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