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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No they aren't factually true. What's factually true is what Tom said... when he said the Switch version at 30fps was preferable to the 60fps XO version because it was more consistent. He said nothing about the Switch version being better than the XO version at 30fps... and DEFINITELY said nothing about a single screen tear being the worst thing in graphics. No sir. Denied.
  2. You've been DENIED Tom concluded that the 30fps Switch version was more consistent and preferable to the fluctuating 60fps mode of the XO... which had already been addressed in a patch. He omitted that information. Nowhere does he say the Switch version is preferable to the XO version when locked at 30fps. He was wrong.. and so are you. It is what is always was.
  3. They don't consider a single screen tear in 5min of gameplay as one of the worst things to happen in graphics. So yea.. gonna have to deny you that win.
  4. Nah.. you're wrong on that. They often talk about screen tearing and how little it affects the game if it's at the outer edges of the screen. So it drops less frames... and has let's say 1 unnoticeable tear every 5 min. That's FAR less of an issue than the FPS cutting in half when you shoot in x-ray mode.. which you might know.. is a big part of the game. And I'm not sure... does this happen in every version when you shoot their feet? lmao
  5. It drops far less frames than Switch... and has one unnoticeable screen tear that they caught on camera. Tom should have done his job better and mentioned and actually shown the Xbox version he was comparing it to. But no... he talked about the Xbox version... what he remembered from it... omitting the fact that it was patched and much improved since then. Tom did a bad job. Don't be stupid and defend him. The XO version is better.
  6. No. It wasn't mentioned. He said that he prefers the more consistent 30fps of the Switch version instead of the fluctuating 60fps of the XO version he was comparing it to.. which was before the game was patched... completely omitting the fact that you can lock it to 30 and get an almost 100% consistent experience... FAR MORE CONSISTENT mind you... that the Switch version which drops frames when shooting into x-ray mode. It absolutely is what it is.
  7. Tom omitted pertinent information.. You wouldn't let them get away with that if it was either Sony or Nintendo... so nah. Acting like the locked 30fps mode doesn't exist is just wrong.
  8. Nah. He's right about this. XO version is definitely better than the Switch version on all fronts with vsync engaged. How can the Switch version run better when performance is always worse? Tom said he prefers.. the more consistent experience from the Switch verison... while completely omitting the fact that you can lock the XO version to 30fps with vsync. Basically... Tom didn't do his job well
  9. It's essentially locked. It barely drops... and the one tear they did find happens at the very bottom of the screen. There couldn't be a less affecting thing to bring up. You wouldn't even notice it unless DF told you about it. Now.. about that dip/stutter when you shoot in x-ray mode on the Switch... you noticed that, right?
  10. Except that's already been fixed. So I am taking it up with DF. They're speaking about how the Xbox version WAS, and not how it IS. So if you're done trying to argue about it.. then that's that.
  11. It is... but it's also good because I can sell my previous gpu and get most of my money back lol
  12. It almost never dips though. And it's also far less distracting than the stutter/drops that the Switch version exhibits when shooting and going into X-ray mode.
  13. True... but that doesn't serve my purpose nearly as well
  14. Congrats.. But the 1080 Ti is a 2.5 year old card
  15. Seems like the XO version with vsync enabled is better. Switch is still the worst version bro. Sorry.. you tried valiently
  16. Yep. It would be so cool to see Crytek come back with Crysis.. and kind of rebuild their studio, engine and brand.
  17. I think Crytek might be making a Crysis remake anyway though... and I wouldn't be surprised if it makes use of their RT tech. It could just be nothing... but the last thing they show looks pretty much like an updated Crysis.
  18. I don't think so. I think they can only do it with games that have been open sourced. They don't have the right to release versions of games that aren't. Edit... I guess it could mean unofficial mods as well.
  19. Fool me once Bhytre.. shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again! I'll believe it when I see it
  20. Do it early next year when Nvidia and/or AMD release their new GPUs. Get a 3700X CPU with it and 32GB of ram, and you're set.
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