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Everything posted by Remij

  1. RTX flopped - Jonb No it didn't - Remij later on that day.... RTX flopped - Remij No it didn't!! I can run 60fps with it on! - Jonb
  2. Well... it almost is. You've spent over $1000 on Xboxes this gen just to keep up... These console manufacturers want you upgrading every 3 years or so... A solid PC will last you all gen.
  3. You do have an agenda. You dickride PC against PS fanboys when it suits you, and yet you secretly can't wait for the next gen consoles to come out so you can completely shit on PC again. It's not exactly something that you hide particularly well...
  4. Nobody needs a $2000 PC to beat consoles... A PC that will play console settings at 2x the fps is pretty cheap these days...
  5. I'm not mad... YOU are because I said you like PC better It's so obvious that you're hurting for next gen consoles to get here so you can go back to shitting on PCs... except you're going to find yourself in the same predicament next gen when your system isn't getting the games you want and you have to buy them on PC anyway..
  6. You're talking about one single fucking game Let's talk about that.... First of all, the console versions of Control render at lower resolutions that 4K.... So not are they only not even close to hitting that... they TANK framerate too. 4K 60 on PC is more than just 2x better... It's way higher resolution than the consoles... and 2x the framerate. Let's not forget... you said 30fps is garbage.. so... uh.. where does that leave the console versions? And PC's are again... much more capable.. you can do much more with them.. ALL games perform better when you get bett
  7. It is old news... even the fucking next gen consoles are talking about 8K and 120fps I'm saying it's old news to you... because you idiots are talking like hitting 60fps is amazing... when PC's have been doing that shit since forever.... YAY! A 60fps game!!!@ lmao.. the devs who targeted 30fps this gen will do so again next gen and you'll get the Battlefields and CODs and the others who target 60...
  8. So you're ok with console settings.. on console... but console settings at 2x the fps isn't better, right?
  9. Yea... I'm ok with 30... but I know 60 is better than 30... and 120 is better than 60 Why are you getting fucking pissy because someone's saying 120 is better than 60?
  10. Too stupid to see you're arguing in favor of what I'm saying... What was your console getting??
  11. Uh... 4K 60 on control is easy to do at the same settings as console
  12. Uh... you want to make a god damned bet? lmao... 30fps is absolutely accepted on consoles.. That's not going to change. Developers looking to push visual fidelity will always consider it, and likely choose it over 60fps.
  13. Yea.. but the people that are.... are. Sooooooooo? Most people don't have X1Xs... They're still gaming at 720p 30fps on XO ffs GTFO
  14. The vast majority of TVs are 60hz... And no... when monitors were capable of it... PC's weren't pushing those frames... NOW they are... and we have monitors that go FAR BEYOND 120hz... Running 120fps on a 60hz monitor.... yea.. that's a waste... But on PC 120fps on a 144hz monitor is sublimely smooth... and 60fps looks bad compared to it. That's a fucking FACT. I've been doing this a lot longer than you bub.. so just sit this one out and play your little console.
  15. I'll play a game at whatever I like. By the end of this coming generation PCs will be pushing 4K 120fps... guaranteed. I mean.. if you think consoles are going to push 4K or 8K... lmao... PC's are going to trample that. And there's ALWAYS concessions for BETTER VISUALS. I don't mind 60fps... if the visuals are mindblowing. Hell, I don't mind 30fps.... On PC I can choose whatever the fuck I want.
  16. The goalpost moves... because technology advances DIPSHIT. We have monitors that can display those frames.....
  17. All the BEST looking games will be 30fps.. as they always are. Devs like Naughty Dog are always going to push the envelope like that. Sony's first party shit will likely all be 30fps lol. That's not to say that targeting 60fps is bad or anything... but this console generation isn't going to change the fact that developers will continue to do what they've always done.
  18. People like 120fps... 60fps is honestly... old news.
  19. LMAO Jon has a gaming PC because Xbox doesn't get most of the games he actually likes... that's a fucking fact. Don't let him fool you. If framerate was important to him.. he'd have junked his Xbox ages ago... And you're completely exaggerating the problems. Exorbitant hardware costs? lmao.. people are buying 2 consoles in a generation... just to keep up to PC. Convoluted long term maintenance? Like... blowing out the dust every couple of months? Upgrades... you mean those things that people usually like doing... and that Jon even admitted he wanted to do?
  20. Shut up you fucking clown and just admit that you like PC better. We know you want to... but you can't bring yourself to fully commit to it. It's like you have to fight with your inner lemming just to say something positive about PC, and you can't do it unless you say something against it afterwards
  21. So about the game. I wonder which API(s) it's going to use? There were strong hints that it would be using DX12, but the fact that it's coming to Stadia means that the game has also been coded to use Vulkan. I wonder if we'll have the option to choose.. or whether it's just DX12 for PC, and Vulkan for Stadia? Also I wonder what the graphical enhancements will mean. Surely there'll be the usual higher quality effects.. but I wonder if the textures have been improved, and the draw distance extended?
  22. I think more lemmings have died this generation waiting for things to happen than anything else
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