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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Let's just say it would take you your lifetime to degrade a SSD... That shit hasn't been an issue since forever ago.
  2. Clearing up false claims in this thread shouldn't be considered ruining it... especially when someone is considering it as...advice.
  3. No you didn't. Posting what something WAS is not posting what something IS... How the hell am I the one that is being disingenuous? You PURPOSEFULLY attempted to post disingenuous and false information as if it was how it currently performed compared to the competition in that game. You made no mention of Nvidia releasing a driver that improved performance drastically since that Hardware Unboxed video was made... Jesus.
  4. Except that's bullshit. Nvidia released a driver which improved FH4 performance by up to 20%.... See how in Hardware Unboxed video it shows the 2070Super at 124fps at 1080p Ultra.... and now.. it's 124fps... at 1440p Ultra... and it's essentially tied with the 5700XT? And you can't say it's different because they use the EXACT same built in benchmark. So yea no... the 5700XT ain't taking out shit
  5. Dude.. just shut the fuck up. The irony of me deleting your STUPID post over and over again in THAT thread, silencing you, and you getting mad about it and trying to stand up for yourself... was completely lost on you. You like the freedom to post your stupid little fucking posts.. don't you? Don't like it when it's taken from you, do you? @Cookester15 PLEASE remove this fucking modship from me and keep it off.
  6. Quite frankly... I feel no remorse, because you're a shitty poster. Grow the fuck up. We're not kids anymore. Your responses to threads and posts are some childish assed shit, and I'm basically tired of you. This is my way of letting you know it. You think you're funny.. but you're not. And I agree 100% that I shouldn't be a mod... because it's bad for people like you that I am. You're not interested in talking like a fucking adult at all. You can't even leave your shit persona at the door for one or 2 threads... It's pathetic. I don't give a shit if this is how
  7. Fuck man... if you don't feel any emotion from that then I dunno what to tell you. Extremely powerful stuff.
  8. All you had to do was say no.
  9. Can you stop thinking about Nintendo for one minute of your life
  10. But yea, I agree about it having implications for next gen as well. All of these things are going to add up to better perceptible image quality, with lower resource cost. Also, these filters are great for mitigating the by-product of aggressive TAA solutions, among other things. We already have games which dynamically change resolution... next gen, we'll also have Variable Rate Shading, which will have games dynamically shade different elements of the scene at various quality levels based upon detail and contrast. It's simply time to admit that hitting some "native" r
  11. @DynamiteCop! I mean, just looking at them, it was obvious something was either fucked up, or it was accidentally switched off or something and you didn't notice. Because if RIS was doing that...
  12. I dunno, but something is clearly fucked.. because your AO in the first picture is not working. And I already stated why.. it makes them easier to compare... flipping back and forth between tabs. Lmao condensing uploads..
  13. Then your shit is broken. The first image CLEARLY has no AO... Changing the setting on and off in your driver is probably fucking with your image quality settings. When you're turning it off, it's probably turning off AO in the driver, even though the game setting might say it's 'on'... And I'm curious as to why you made all these comparisons as single pics, instead of separate which make them easier to compare?
  14. Yea no... I don't know if these are your shots or not.. but RIS is NOT doing this.... flip between them... One image CLEARLY has different settings than the other....
  15. It doesn't add any AO... and we know exactly how it works... It's a basic CA sharpening filter.
  16. I believe the fuck up at launch precipitated a reaction from MS (the entire company) which caused them to lose focus which they weren't really able to recover from. The Xbox division was also dealing with a power struggle between the Windows side of MS and the Xbox side. Xbox wasn't really able to make their own decisions and react quickly enough. They basically had to go through the windows side of MS to get approval for anything... and that ship doesn't turn on a dime. They fucked up in multiple ways, no doubt. Their hardware was underpowered compared to the competitio
  17. I think it will be solely to augment the user experience. Things like automatically signing into your profile.. verification for purchases, ect ect. Probably also will be built right into the front of the console. Not another kinect imo.
  18. If these streaming services take off.. Sony will 100% follow suit in releasing their new games alongside the other games in the service. That's what draws people into singing up for the service. Nobody is going to give a shit about buying a game at $60 and then streaming it... on their fucking PS5... when they can LITERALLY buy the game and have it on their account. This isn't like Stadia where there's no other option...
  19. It's as simple as this: If the streaming subscription shit takes off... Sony will 100% be on board with their first party games day and date. Notice how Sony is already trying to make their subscription service more attractive... They are lowering the price "to be in line with other subscription services" and now adding recent releases... They aren't willing (and rightfully so) to be the ones to lead the way with their game subscription service by having new titles day and date. They have no immediate reason to do this. MS is of course willing to change the model be
  20. Both will use different technices and approaches to ray tracing???? bu but I was told that Nvidia's ray tracing tech was going to be obsolete because AMD would have a superior RT tech which would be utilized across next gen consoles...
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