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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Get back to me when they show the console version of this game
  2. The proof is coming when they have the balls to actually show the console version... but they are SCARED as fuck to show it. Oh... they'll release a cut back abomination of the game because there's 150m+ console market out there that they don't want to miss out on... but this game was initially far beyond the scope of those consoles. You can already see how it's being downgraded from the initial gameplay reveal.
  3. Exactly.. because it's being downgraded to run on current gen consoles
  4. It's EXACTLY what that statement says. "we still gotta get this shit working on consoles guys... remember that"
  5. Nothing about that is running on a jaguar CPU
  6. A dev that knows the game they've wanted to create is NOT possible on current gen hardware, and disappointed that he has to explain that the game will not be like what you see. Such an obvious fucking downgrade. The game they were making WOULD NOT run on current consoles.
  7. We saw LOTS of console footage. This game is currently being downgraded... it's obvious as fuck.... lmao
  8. No it wasn't. No current gen version existed. They haven't shown a single fucking thing from them... and they wont. You're seeing the PC version running at 1080p... In BOTH instances we've seen this game.. the devs have shown trepidation about showing us the product and are adamant to proclaim that this doesn't represent the final product.... Because they fucking know they are downgrading shit. They don't want people to expect this shit they're seeing on current gen consoles.
  9. Dude... 90% of those fucking monitors are GARBAGE. It's akin to HDR compatible TVs... that don't come anywhere close to offering a true experience. There's a metric shit ton of them out there...
  10. It's was NOT a current gen game. It was a game being designed for PCs that's currently in the downgrade phase. If this was a current gen game... WE WOULD HAVE SEEN CONSOLE FOOTAGE BY NOW. We're NOT seeing console footage because it never existed.. and they busy taking shit away until they can get it up and running on these god damn fucking clunksoles.
  11. So there goes your market share bullshit Just omit 90% of those monitors... and you have some good ones!!
  12. Nah. It's currently being forced into being a current gen game though.
  13. The differences are NOT minute... Tons of those freesync displays are OBJECTIVELY TERRIBLE in comparison. The quality range in freesync is disgusting.
  14. Nah. Wait until you see the PS4/XO versions... It's being cut back hard. It's quite obvious why we haven't seen a single shred of CP2077 console footage. And we're likely not going to see any until RIGHT before launch.
  15. It's being downgraded hard for current gen consoles.
  16. This is like saying Xbox is better than Switch because more games have released for it...... Just because there's more of something out there doesn't mean it's better.
  17. What the fuck do you want? Nvidia creates something.. AMD causes an inferior technology to become the standard because it can't support the competition's superior technology... so then a standard comes out... and Nvidia supports it and performs better with it anyway. The only people who lose out are Radeon fans... like usual. That's not going to change.
  18. Now that you've admitted defeat... we can laugh about this. Since once again this proves that AMD cannot beat Nvidia by utilizing open standard technologies... because they all will be supported on Nvidia as well. Nvidia is simply a better, smarter company.
  19. AMD used the adaptive sync spec from VESA... and turned it into something that REQUIRED an AMD gpu to utilize. Freesync. VESA adaptive sync does NOT require a Radeon GPU.
  20. Q: How are DisplayPort™ Adaptive-Sync and Project FreeSync different? A: DisplayPort™ Adaptive-Sync is an ingredient DisplayPort™ feature that enables real-time adjustment of monitor refresh rates required by technologies like Project FreeSync. Project FreeSync is a unique AMD hardware/software solution that utilizes DisplayPort™ Adaptive-Sync protocols to enable user-facing benefits: smooth, tearing-free and low-latency gameplay and video. Project FreeSync is a unique AMD hardware/software solution that utilizes Adaptive Sync. Nvidia doesn't support Freesync... it
  21. VESA adaptive sync... Not freesync. That requires AMD gpus..
  22. It means Nvidia can open support to all Vesa displays, can certify the ones who meet the requirements, and can also run their proprietary tech in higher end TVs/monitors. There's Gsync, Freesync, and VESA Adaptive Sync. Both Freesync and Gsync REQUIRE AMD and Nvidia hardware respectively. Then there's VESA Adaptive sync which will be supported by both and is built directly into the HDMI spec. It will be supported under "Freesync supported" and "Gsync compatible".. Nvidia supporting VESA's standard does not mean they support Freesync. Freesync r
  23. No... they support VRR through the Vesa HDMI spec. That's NOT freesync. Freesync USES the spec... but requires displays to be certified... and run an AMD gpu... much like Gsync. Gsync monitors have chips inside, but Gsync compatible monitors are using the Vesa HDMI spec. That doesn't mean Nvidia is adopting freesync... It means they're adopting the open Vesa standard. That does nothing to detract from Gsync.
  24. Freesync 2 requires AMD to certify the display. Just like Gsync does... Vesa's Adaptive Sync comes built right into the interface spec. Displays that aren't certified can still work under as 'Gsync compatible' and 'freesync supported' displays.
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