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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 8 is the right score for it. Would have been a 9 if it had no technical issues.
  2. I agree. For a mid-gen refresh, it's fine... however at the launch of a console, they really should focus on bringing the baseline up as high as possible and multi skus with different power envelopes does nothing but add confusion to the process. Again though, like I said with the Lockhart rumors... if it's about a 1080p/4K+8K separation, then that's fine, as long as their marketing is on point. Because then you're essentially telling people that the target resolution for your base PS5 would be less than the PS4 Pro. It would confuse people. Real talk though... nah,
  3. Yea, but I mean the technology just isn't there to make it demonstrably better than what I would hope the base PS5 would be. If they gimp the base PS5 hard (8-9TFs) just to increase the appeal of the Pro, then that's a mistake imo. It's entirely possible that 1) this rumor is BS, or 2) two skus exist but they are different in the traditional sense, which means things like storage capacity and such. And yea, releasing a base PS5 and Pro at launch and then mid gen have another refresh would be too much. Anyway, I'm ready for next gen to be here.
  4. If it's true, then I really wonder what the base system specs will be? I'm struggling to see how you make a base PS5 that's a true next gen leap, and then release a Pro version at the same time which would actually be a meaningful upgrade from that with the technology available.
  5. Annnnnnd... all those cloud GPUs to actually accelerate that ray-tracing are going to be sporting RDNA2 or better chips. Trust that you WILL need next-gen RDNA gpus to utilize that cloud computing as well...
  6. I was actually just attempting to make a joke. I was waiting for you or Gouko to respond that I would be wrong, but the joke being that this thread is about a free demo. So I doubt it would "outsell" the Xbox version. You didn't really bite how I intended, so here we are. Honestly though, in response to your post... portability for games like this IS a very valid reason for wanting the game on Switch. So I'm sure it will sell great. People will buy this game again just for the portability I'm sure.
  7. They could be announcing the PS5 announcement announcement.
  8. Some guy said if you notice in the video that at the very end there 5 stragglers that fill in the 9... and that it could mean something PS5.. lol I dunno about that, but kinda weird that they'd do that right at the very end or something.
  9. Literally one of the best games of the gen. Ori 2 is a big deal to me. They've been working on it for so long too. I'm expecting brilliance.
  10. I already made the comment to DF's video that it's very obvious from the footage that when there's transitions or streaming or going into/out of dungeons or buildings the resolution resets to 1080p, and then takes frames to drop to 720p, then the fps smooths out. I think the text boxes are also maybe causing the resolution to jump to 1080p when they appear, and then it settles down again and jumps back up to 60. The double buffered vsync would cause that extra load to drop the fps to 30.. so it's extremely jarring. It's also why I said I doubt they'd fix it for launch because as
  11. It's honestly a very nice looking game. Though myself personally, wish they would have just locked to 30fps and targeted 1080p. Also, it is disappointing about Link not having full analog movement, but that's not a huge deal to me personally.
  12. Pretty kickass actually. Go grab em! https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/ All these free games is basically rebuilding my Steam library on the EGS lol.
  13. No. It's not an assumption. RDNA2 WILL make RDNA outdated. It's a technological fact. You either have accelerated RT cores or you don't. Nvidia ushered in the next frontier in real time graphics... Real time ray tracing. If you don't support it... then you're outdated.
  14. I think Xbox COULD come back next gen. It's not like it's impossible to turn the ship around. They simply need great games. If they could actually put out games that consistently scored higher and some of them were new AAA IPs... then people could be convinced to come back around. Because let me put it this way... I don't think Sony could have had an easier generation than this one. And I really don't think that MS can fuck up harder than they did at the beginning of this gen. It's been tough for them this gen.. but there IS a core base of Xbox fans that will ride and die with the brand.
  15. Ah. Yea nah I dunno. PS5 GT will look real though. Of that I have no doubt. Sony just recently had a tech day where they gave a bunch of presentations on technologies they are working on. One was of ray tracing in AR/VR being rendered in real-time. People could take objects and place them in the AR world and it would render them based on the lighting properties of the real world. Really fucking sick stuff. Some people speculated that maybe it was demoing PS5, but it turns out it was being rendered on 30 RTX 2080ti's Ray
  16. Trying to sneak in? Dude, I said 6 Forza games...
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