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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Full trailer with the release date should be coming soon. Game is probably a month or so off. It's gonna look so fucking good in native 4K/60fps.
  2. They do. But it's concerning that apparently they have shelved a bunch of development. They have been sitting on the same games for a couple of years now. We've basically known of everything that is set to release for the rest of the gen for years. It's still huge though. They've got what will likely be the best games of the generation left to release. LMAO how the fuck can you beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and TLOU2... potentially within months of each other... as well as Death Stranding and potentially Ghosts of Tsushima?
  3. Yep. This is definitely the plan. That's what I mean by them basically throwing the rest of this gen to push Gamepass so hard and basically set it up for next gen. They're not concerned with immediate financial return.. they're playing a longer game. They're essentially making using (or trying) the service a no brainer. Once people are more open to the prospect of using the service, needing to always be connected online, and understanding what the service is and what you get... they're hoping that as releases become more frequent and bigger games start to hit, people will see the value in
  4. Presumably on the PC side it is. Man... MS really needs to figure out how to win back some mindshare. It's going to be tough for them if they don't have new AAA IP that are ready to show off around the console launch.
  5. That's great. There's no way this wasn't a success for them. The game accomplished what they wanted it to. People are on board with using Gamepass as a rental service and that's what this was all about. They are throwing the rest of the current gen to the wolves to push Gamepass (which was obvious) and bring people around to the idea of an always online connected console + service for a low monthly fee. The fact that they were promoting and advertising how people could spend $2 and get Ultimate and allowing people to use the promotion and extend their subscriptions for years...
  6. I mean, this is what they wanted, so I guess they can't be mad at it. Gears 5 is apparently doing huge numbers on Gamepass, and every major release from Xbox has had a $1 or $2 gamepass month to go along with it. I guess it's more important for MS right now to have people try the service and get people used to the idea than anything else. I mean, they paid $50m to have Ninja come to Mixer to get mixer into the conversation. Sacrificing Gears 5 to get people into Gamepass and used to the idea of it, is probably invaluable to them at this point... since it's pretty clear Gamepass
  7. Who cares? Death Stranding is coming out in less than 2 months. Then TLOU2 sometimes between then and the middle of next year. Then Ghosts of Tsushima probably for PS5 launch.. then Horizon 2 shortly after. Sony has their console generation transition lined up pretty perfectly imo.
  8. No. I can quite clearly read. You're not getting out of this. You're TRYING so hard. But no.
  9. Well, I'm glad I could clarify for you... since you intentionally misunderstood and felt it was a physical threat against you.
  10. Nope. When NPD talk about PS4 sales... are they literally talking about PS4 base units... or the PS4 platform???? LMAO no getting out of that Jerry. He, much like everyone else when they talk about PS4 sales... was referring to all systems... just like you were referring to all Xboxes. You KNOW that's a fact. And you intentionally tried to start an argument about it... and that's what you ALWAYS do. You can't help yourself.. which is why I'm going to have to take moderation actions against you. I'll allow you to make your point... but you're not going to waste ever
  11. I said it before in this very thread. Made it quite apparent what I was referring to... but apparently I needed to clarify that for you. Which I was happy to do. I mean, of course you understood that, but you couldn't resist playing a victim and @ing cooke. I knew that was going to happen.
  12. Nope. He's literally saying that multiple people have bought multiple PS4s... just like they did Xboxes. That encompasses ALL forms of the console. Which is a TRUE statement. You're trying to start an argument... where there wasn't and shouldn't have been one. Because it's TRUE. You're the one trying to make equivalences that aren't necessary.... to start arguments.
  13. I said personally... which means I would do it myself, since nobody else cares to do anything around here. I didn't make any personal threat to your being. I made the threat to ban you in this thread. No walking back. You're getting touchy about it... but that's what's going to happen. You can @ cooke all you want. Jerry... you're finally going to be MODERATED.
  14. No... YOU actually started talking about PS4 Pro. He said the same argument could be made about PS4... and you said no. Not only were you WRONG... you intentionally did this post to start the Jerry cycle. Then you go on to talk about gamepass... like that had anything to do with what he said. You're trying to goad him into arguing with you forever... not only about the PRO... but also gamepass. You were hoping he'd bite on any one of those things.
  15. To not derail threads like you do. Don't worry... I'll point it out to you and very specifically instruct you on why you are being banned and which post it was that caused it. As I said, I want you to learn from it.
  16. Who's talking about Pros specifically? Who gives a shit about that. I personally bought 3 PS4 over the gen and I know people who have multiple. You saying no... is just pure BULLSHIT. It's a fact that people have purchased multiple PS4s, just as they have Xboxes.
  17. Threatening to ban you?.... yes. I thought I made that quite clear in this thread. I'm going to teach you to not do it... or you'll be banned. That simple.
  18. Xbox has padded numbers because WE KNOW people have bought multiple Xbox - Jer Same could be said about PS4 - Dynamite No...... yada yada blah blah - Jer Cycle begins.
  19. You're the one who's going to learn to take some responsibility for yourself... and stop trying to intentionally derail threads and waste people's time. I'm going to teach it to you. Personally.
  20. Not when he goes into threads to intentionally do what he does... It's not just threads here or there... DynamiteCop and Jon can't make threads without this guy coming in and changing the subject into something he can argue forever about. I'm not going to let anyone waste their time anymore. If I see it, thread will be closed and he will be banned.
  21. I'd rather him not fuck up and intentionally derail threads. I've already locked 2 because of it.. and the next step is banning him.
  22. There's no doubt that the MP and viewer retention is disappointing. People just aren't interested in playing Gears MP as it currently is... and it's not as interesting to watch as the new MP battle games. MS needs to create new franchises. The mind share is obviously gone at this point.
  23. Lots of people don't play Steam... lmao. The biggest PC games EVER didn't release on Steam... dumbfuck. Minecraft.. Warcraft.. all Blizzard games.. the Sims.. Fortnite.. Look at you just creating Steam accounts to view user id numbers. LMAO that shit is padded as fuck. So what you're saying is that Epic already has more active users than Xbox consoles on the market... in less than 1 year... Epic is making bank... and they have the most popular multiplayer game right now.. all eyes on them... and when they advertise and promote games.. people notice. You simply t
  24. Oh fuck.. looks like it is. Well.. that's dumb of them. They should give the Steam version a 3 month launch window before putting it on GP
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