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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 85 million active users. Half of them reportedly don't even use Steam. EGS in less than 1 year... 250 million accounts that can all pop into the EGS client and buy a game at any time. The influence is HUGE... and they are going to put it to work.
  2. I think Halo MCC with it not being on Gamepass will be a better indication of how Xbox games could do on Steam. We'll have to see. Halo *should* do big numbers.
  3. They have a HUGE influence... and the funny thing.. is that they are ACTUALLY putting that influence to work... unlike Valve. You know it's true man lmao
  4. lmao.. they have hundreds of millions of users. You have no idea what you're talking about. LMAO speaking about peak concurrent players of a game. No... I'm talking about users who interact with Epic's Game Store Client on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. You really have no clue. And I do care about developers. I don't care about ALL developers however. Quite frankly... FUCK most of them. Are you out there buying every game that gets made? What I care about, is that the developers of good games that I DO like... can succeed. That they make more money on each copy sold.
  5. LMAO they really do need a shopping cart though Getting a temp purchasing ban because you had to buy each game separately is dumb as fuck
  6. I'll keep playing games and not caring that "my time wasn't calculated "... and that Epic wont give me forums to post on and a review section to bomb games!!! Anti consumer
  7. The new Library update is coming in 2 days. It's going to look and be a lot nicer, I'm sure. But it's taken them literally forever... For a company who's entire business revolves around it... it's sad just how little it has changed over the years. I can only assume things are happening as fast as they are now because they actually have competition.
  8. I don't need to be to understand that for them to succeed in their objective that's what they must do... and I value that objective much more than some shit people think is anti-consumer. That's temporary shit. They'll get better. The Steam situation wont.
  9. Epic will always seek out and fund games that they believe will bring users to their platform. All that shit you talked about is being worked on and improved upon. Devs will get to keep more of the money, and there's less financial risk. Want your game on EGS? Then release something that looks good and interesting and get your game noticed. If not... go send it to die on Steam. That's going to be the narrative of indie and mid sized developers/publishers. There absolutely IS NO urgency to catch up to Steam... because they already have more users than Ste
  10. Eh, one day it wont be quite there... then the next it will. At that point no one will care about the wait.
  11. False... As I said before... you can easily tweak the settings of this game to get more than 4K/60fps.. with little to no visual quality loss.
  12. Click on this and read the thread This point especially, is what I've been saying.. Epic is investing in these games and they have a personal interest in seeing them succeed. Valve has NO fucking interest in making sure games succeed. They don't invest anything into the games on their platform, they invest in ways of automating bullshit so that they have to deal with developers and consumers LESS... Valve doesn't give a shit if the average asset swipe game or indie game fails and sells only 20,000 copies. They take their 30%
  13. Not to mention, Forza Horizon 4 completely buttfucked his premise that the XO version of Gears 5 was holding the open world aspect back. He loses every time
  14. I already told you... IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER which version that trailer represents... It's a cross gen game in development. The XO versions are the original versions, and the Scarlett is improved from that. That's my guarantee. We ALREADY know this. You can't gimp the original versions of games... they are the original.. they are what was planned.. they will be.. what they were always going to be. Halo Infinite was developed as an Xbox One and Win 10 game. Scarlett came after... if it's improved.. it's improved.. the ORIGINALS aren't being gimped. How many different ways
  15. You've lost every argument itt. You're too stubborn to accept it... which is why you're literally asking people to commit to saying a DF tech video of a game in development will look exactly like that on XO,S, or X. The DF video is a video of.... an Xbox game in development. You're getting so desperate to try to trap someone into an argument that you're asking for the corniest shit possible.. so you can claim you were right. I remember you did this EXACT same thing... with the Forza Scorpio tech preview that DF did... LITERALLY the exact same thing. It did
  16. I used YOUR OWN words against you. YOU said it.. And yes, the original versions are the XO versions. The Scarlett is an improved version from that. And just fyi... I think it was running on a PC.
  17. lmao yet you just tried to accuse me of doing the same?? OK Jer lmao. You don't gatekeep what that shit means... despite trying SO HARD to. bu but show me the poly counts that it's EXACTLY the same as the PC version.. Show me the yadda yadda... you're doing that AGAIN IN THIS VERY THREAD.. . LMAO. I told you that shit would come back to haunt you. It didn't work for you then... and it's certainly not going to work for you now.
  18. The trailer we are seeing is a version of an XBOX ONE cross gen game in development. Nothing more or less. The ORIGINAL versions are the XO versions.
  19. No... you just caught yourself moving goalposts... The fact that you THINK you can gatekeep what native 4K means... or the definition of what a 4K console is... is hilarious... and corny.
  20. Doesn't matter what I think. The FACT is that the game was designed for XO consoles... and it being IMPROVED FOR SCARLETT not gimped for XO. It doesn't matter WHAT version that DF video is showing... Cornhurey
  21. This is EXACTLY what he was trying to do with the Scorpio launch and arguing with me saying that no games would be native 4K. He argued that if even ONE setting was turned down from the Ultra PC setting that it PROVED that he was right. He's a seriously corny fuck..
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