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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes or No Dynamite... are you saying the game will look EXACTLY like the DF video on XO,S,X??!?!? Commit to it NOW!!! So god damn corny...
  2. Look at this corny shit I'm about ready to close this thread... and then ban you. Like how in the other thread about Gears 5, you wanted to see Dynamite post with X settings on Y level and with Z yadda yadda... You're simply DONE at that point... and this is becoming a trend, which I feel is bannable.. since you're just wasting everyones time... including your own.
  3. See I could have did this... and this... corny ass mothercker.. Sorry... but the ORIGINAL versions are the XO versions... the Scarlett is improved from that. You CANNOT ESCAPE THAT... it doesn't matter what DF shows.
  4. The game will be improved from the XO original versions. No gimping here. Only improvements.
  5. Now he's trying to change the definition of ORIGINAL XO versions are the original versions of the game... and Scarlett and PC will be IMPROVED from that point. No gimping at all. You literally CAN'T argue with the definition of ORIGINAL Jerry...
  6. The "original versions" has a distinct meaning. You should know that Jer... It means the ORIGINAL versions are what were designed and planned for. While the other versions ARE IMPROVED from that point. Your words..... Very clear indeed. Thanks for agreeing
  7. I JUST stated how the game is not being gimped. The Scarlett version will be improved. And now you're getting defensive because I'm dismantling your corny ass narrative 14 months early. You REALLY shouldn't have shown your hand this early Jer. This just tells me that you're expecting the Scarlett version to be fundamentally different and improved over the XO versions... and that you're going to try to paint it as a negative if it's not. That's YOUR narrative. A corny assed one based on hopes and dreams.
  8. No.. not if they are features that couldn't be implemented due to hardware constraints. That's not gimping the game... or fucking over the players. If anything it would simply be a benefit of purchasing the new hardware... which developers and platform holders are compelled to provide. The game will be the same on both platforms, just better on Scarlett. That's a fact. No Xbox One owner is getting fucked. You're TRYING to create that narrative. And failing. You're not even applying it to something factual...you're applying it to something YOU HOPE happens
  9. No hardware owners are getting shafted Jer. They're getting the version of the game they were always going to get. You're trying to create and tie narratives that nobody is pushing. You lose. AND YOU KNOW IT
  10. You didn't trap him in anything. That's the corny shit you're TRYING to do. Except you can't... and you just seem EXTRA lame for TRYING to do so. The fact that you're oblivious to it is hilarious. Right here This just proves how corny you are about this. The fact is that... NOBODY WILL CARE. You'll be the corny motherfucker talking about a supposedly gimped version in forums... while other people are PLAYING the game and enjoying themselves. This is completely oblivious to you lmao
  11. I hung you with that rope You were trying to build a bridge connecting two corny assed narratives together, and I called you out on it. bu but wahz it gunna B??? Which platform iz gunna get it?? Sombudy gotta die here!! So fucking corny
  12. More corny shit from you. No version is gimped. Literally designed for XO.. improved for Scarlett. Whatever that entails.
  13. I understand you grilling him on this... but realistically.. there is such a thing as something running at 30fps being disappointing depending on the type of game/experience it is. You can hear DF mention this a lot actually, how something is disappointing given the complexity, or nature of what is being shown. I'm fully aware though that DF thinks Ass Chain runs well given what it's doing. But if I was talking about VR, 30fps would indeed be running like ass... despite that, when I run a game like Gears 5 at 8K 30fps.. I think it's incredible and smooth. It goes back since forever how eve
  14. Ok, so are you done now? That's what it is... and what you are. You created a narrative where you can't win.. because it's just so corny. You, as a gamer probably WOULD feel hurt by a company releasing a better version of a game on better hardware. That makes you a corny fanboy. A new game releasing 7 years later for a console having a better version on the newest console... is not gimped... The game will be the best it can be on XO, and better on Scarlett. Nothing you say, think, feel... will change that. And trying to argue it is corny my dude. So you're either
  15. Ok, I'll admit that I lost, if you admit that you're a corny motherfucker. Until then... nah, I won this argument. You're dumb.
  16. That's what you're TRYING so hard to create. It's not though. It's a game Jer. It will be the same fundamental game on both console generations. It was created for Xbox One, and will be improved upon for Scarlett. That's it.. You're so corny for trying to make something bad out of it
  17. I'm not playing any gimped version dumbo. And you already know I don't give a shit what it's like on consoles. But the fact remains that it's going to be the same game... but look and run better on Scarlett. I love how you're latching onto the idea that Halo Infinite is going to have features on the new console "like new larger areas and more NPCs"... You're trying to build the Scarlett version up that it's either going to be something fundamentally different and better... and XO owners have been owned... or it's going to be a gimped next gen launch game.. because it doesn't tak
  18. Wrong. So completely and utterly WRONG Additional features is what makes new hardware desirable. We KNOW the game is being designed for the Xbox One hardware and will be improved upon for the PC and Scarlett versions. No owners are being fucked over. You're trying SO HARD... and failing.
  19. Imagine being this fucking retarded. bu but If Scarlett version of a game has features that the last gen hardware cant support, then the last gen owners got fucked LMAO no... last gen owners got the game they were always going to get... People who are spending money on the new console are getting BETTER visuals and performance and features... which TRADITIONALLY COMES WITH A NEXT GEN CONSOLE!
  20. Nobody got fucked. The game is coming to both platforms. Will be the game it was always going to be on XO... will be better on Scarlett. The funny thing being of course that unlike GCN/Wii versions of Twilight Princess, and the WiiU/Switch versions of Breath of the Wild... is that the Scarlett version of Halo Infinite will actually look and run better on the newer platform... instead of essentially the same shit.
  21. I challenged and dismissed your entire post already in my previous post. You literally have nothing left to say. You're SO repeating the same nonsense in fact... that I think... it's almost time... for this thread... to come to a close
  22. I love how you try to turn COMPLETELY NORMAL AND TRADITIONAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CONSOLE GENERATION GAMES, into something that is "gimped" and that they're "fucked over"... It's going to be the same game... The PC and Scarlett versions will simply look and feel superior.
  23. Because I'm talking about YOU.. and what YOU said about their dev studios. So yes... you were talking about that. I'm not changing the subject... I'm raping you on the subject YOU changed it to. Development of Halo Infinite is fine. Creating a new engine from scratch and a game.... takes about that long. How can you be that dumb? Sorry, I'll dismiss RUMORS whenever I feel like it... and it doesn't matter if they're true or not. As other game developers and industry people are saying... about this specific situation. People leave all the time and it does
  24. @DynamiteCop! Look at him trying to talk with some authority. "Which platform is gonna get it guys!! You decide~~~!!!" The game is going to release on both platforms.. look great on X1X, and stunning on Scarlett and PC with ray tracing
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