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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Too bad we're talking about DF here and what they said... not what anyone in this thread (at fanboywars.com) is saying.... Damn... so you really tried to change your story from what DF said to what people in this thread have said? Hilarious you're trying to do this right after YOU were the one saying that it didn't matter what people said here and that the importance lies in what DF said. Looks like your plan backfired and now you're running away from it.
  2. Interesting DF says it's the best looking game on Xbox... when RDR2 is also on Xbox... in native 4K. Who in the WORLD is going to say UC4 looks better than RDR2? Yea you lost this one Jer. Sorry.
  3. Probably so that PS fanboys would go a little easier on them for saying that it looks better than Sony FP games. I mean... have you seen how the Sony PS fanboys have been attacking them about that video regardless?? That tells you all you need to know about why they say Xbox. PS fans can't accept that Sony games might not having the best graphics. You're on your way to proving the point for them ITT.
  4. One day it will release... and then It will have undoubtedly been improved since this trailer as well. They've implemented all sorts of new tech since this was released. It's going to be godly
  5. Sure thing Jer. Gears 5 looks better... runs 2x as fast... and that's a FACT.
  6. I disagree. If Gears had more interactive objects, it would just make it that much further ahead than UC4. LMAO listing subjective shit like characters.. The Gears characters are way more detailed than Uncharted characters. Their armor has way more detail. There's no comparison... Sorry. UC4 is old. It's ok though, I forgive you... you haven't played Gears 5
  7. Yea... I'm gonna start banning people who are purposefully derailing threads.
  8. I can see it. The open areas in Gears 5 were lacking a bit despite looking beautiful at times. Proper open world hubs with the levels integrated and fleshed out would be the next step.
  9. lol yea, but it's not really about that though.. it's the feeling of destruction and making things have weight to them. These weapons should be tearing through stuff, and causing all sorts of physics to happen. It would take the immersion and visuals to another level. Also, enemy hit reactions. They should make it have more weight. Basically what I would like them to do most though is change the gameplay feel and how it controls. Get rid of the roadie run and make a proper dash. Change up how getting into and out of cover feels, as well as change how the camera interacts with
  10. Eh. Gears looks amazing. RDR2 does too though. IMO the thing that holds Gears back is just how interactive it's world is (isn't) compared to other games. It's partially what makes Control so outstanding. A lot of shit in Gears just doesn't react to anything. It can, at times, make it seem artificial. I'd say though, Gears 5 at it's best looks a hair better than RDR2 at it's best. And just for fun I tried Gears 5 in HDR on my TV at 8K Ultra and locked it to 30fps. Needless to say... my jaw was on the fucking floor at how good it looks. For the next game, they bas
  11. The only issue I've had so far is that I wasn't able to pick up one of the documents. It was just there flashing but never gave me any prompt to pick it up.
  12. LMAO $60+ CAD for the shittiest version of a game that's 9 years old
  13. That's a dumb fucking comment. Game looks like shit. Get off the Switch train you little faggot. You know damn well as soon as PS5 is announced you'll go right back to talking about how terrible it is. Ironically, you'll also start talking about how great ray tracing is around that time.
  14. I just finished Act 2. I'm really liking it so far.. but they definitely have things to work and improve upon. Also, the Boltok is the GOAT
  15. I want to finish the campaign before I mess around with MP. We'll play tho
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