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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I think and agree that the users of those platforms should be entitled to enjoy and use them free of harassment. However I think it should be the responsibility of those service providers to maintain that privacy and provide users with the ability to remove themselves from those people as well as removing those harmful users from the platform themselves. I don't think that we should police each other and hold each other in check. Just like I don't think people should exact their own sense of justice on others. There's a proper way to do things. People have the right to express
  2. There's more to the internet than Facebook. The internet isn't Facebook. You have such a short sighted sense of how this would affect you. You aren't even thinking this through at all.
  3. No.. the internet IS supposed to level the playing field. In real life I can't contact everyone in the world. I can't REACH everyone in the world. Online I can. Literally everyone from everywhere who is connected.
  4. Your phonebook has all the phone numbers in the world? Your phone is connected to everyone all at once? ROFL
  5. Because for me to call someone I need their number. If I have that number.. I can harass them. Imagine EVERYONE knowing your phone number. Imagine a sign over your head all day every day with your number on it. Imagine being to scared to say anything against or EVEN DISAGREE with someone... because then they know who you are and potentially where you live and who your family is... You keep bringing up racism... and that's definitely a shitty thing that people feel empowered to spew online due to anonymity. It would work in deterring racist comments... but guess what.. it would
  6. Yea and I denied it. No... I don't want free internet where my privacy is violated and my anonymity is gone. That's completely fucking stupid. I'm not a terrible human being. As it is saying things online can and will come back to haunt you if you're not careful. What you're proposing is needlessly removing rights from people in a space where people can already ignore you, delete you, remove you, and otherwise remove themselves from interacting with you. Again... something you can't do in the physical world. You say my fears are unfounded... but you remove anonymit
  7. Yea it is. Because I pay for it. I deserve a level of anonymity on a service I pay for, whereas I'm not physically present in my interactions. People online can hack my PC and post as me. In a McDonalds I am myself and it is known. Your idea would be an absolute nightmare and a field day for people who want to make your life hell. Hackers and malicious technically minded people could skirt the idea and torture people. Not only that.. it's a fucking stupid idea. The world needs a place where people can trade information anonymously.
  8. Added. If you ever need to troubleshoot, send me a message and I can help you through it. My AIM is "RawDogRem"
  9. They said that... but I don't believe it. They really chose it because the game wasn't designed for it and to implement it now would just be a waste. It wouldn't be worth the effort.. and they'd get slammed for it. Of course, people would actually fool themselves into believing it looked better... like many of the games before which aren't even actually HDR.. but claim to be. If a game isn't developed for it from the ground up... devs shouldn't bother trying to implement it. I 100% think that devs SHOULD be developing all games going forward with it in mind.. but unfortunately
  10. Yep. I fully agree and I know that would be the case. In a way though.. I just don't want it to happen because it needs to be shown that these types of games can be successful without the backing of a huge publisher who will spend more money on marketing than budget for the actual game itself. I'm being a bit hypocritical and selfish though because I believe the same thing about Ninja Theory with Hellblade. I had no problem with MS scooping them up lol. Ideally though.. the publisher who took a chance on this game and Remedy should be able to grow and beco
  11. I don't think they decided against HDR for a photo mode. I think that any "HDR" they try to pull off after the fact... since the game wasn't designed with it in mind... would just be a shitty implementation anyway. They know it.. and so do tech minded people. Thus I'd rather them focus on improving performance in the console versions as well as QoL improvements to the map.
  12. Yea, it's definitely their best game since Max Payne. I fully understand this game has it's flaws though. More than anything else what I'm hoping for is that Remedy gets the chance to build on this.. because the core of what they have here is really good.
  13. We should mutually consent to participate in Gears 5 together. Oh!! Maybe we could 3 way with another like minded party????? The more the merrier.
  14. Looks like it should be able to
  15. Playing a lot of Control tonight. Should be able to beat it but just taking a bit of a break before hopping back on. Remedy created something special with this one.
  16. This game is so fucking badass. I don't know what to say other than I really enjoy just playing it and the combat and options you have. I love how the character controls in this one, which is admittedly just a tighter version of Quantum Break. It definitely has it's problems though. There's aspects that could be done a lot better. In certain ways the budget of the game really shows... but god damn could you imagine if Remedy had a bigger team with a bigger budget? I really like this IP and I really hope they get the chance to build upon this. A proper next gen Cont
  17. What makes you right without proof that he did it?
  18. As dumb as it is.. he works in the video game industry. They'd harass the fuck out of anyone who would even dare work with this guy again.
  19. Certain people seek that kind of attention though. Anyway... imagine being innocent of a crime such as rape and have everyone turn on you? Knowing full well that even if you're proven innocent, nobody will look at you the same. I dunno. That could be pretty hard for some people. That said... it could easily be as you say. They guy finally got outed.. knew his life was fucked.. and took the easy way out. I don't know and haven't followed about this Zoe Quinn shit enough to really form an opinion.
  20. Gamespot - 9/10 IGN - 9.1 Metacritic - 88
  21. Just another weekend in the good old US of A.
  22. Durr... I think it'll have the same profile as Quantum Break did on Xbox One and X. Be a bit higher on PS4 than XO, and a bit higher than that on PRO.. but not as high as X1X lmao NO SHIT! You're not intelligent for figuring that out... And no.. what I'm saying is that you CAN see a difference..... just like you can here. Except you're just being a fucking idiot
  23. Jesus christ you guys are fucking idiots. Holy fucking SHIT Dynashit can't see a difference at all... but you show him a 1440p PS4 Pro game and an 1800p Xbox One X game and THE DIFFERENCE IS HUGE!!~!!@!~! Fucking ASS CLOWNS
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