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Everything posted by Remij

  1. If Sony release at $499, MS should just go for the throat and release at $399 and take the loss. That's the only way that they could essentially stun people and hope to turn some of them.
  2. They were. They've sold more consoles now than they did before.
  3. Is the Xbox One as low of a low for Xbox as the WiiU was for Nintendo? Has it reached that point yet?
  4. No bless YOU. I hope one day you find peace and find something to play games on that you're happy with.
  5. It's honestly a 9/10 game. I mean 8 is fine.. but I think the game deserves a 9 straight up.
  6. I'm gonna pick it up. An IRL friend of mine who's a huge Castlevania fan said it passes the test.. so that's good enough for me.
  7. Nah. MGS2+3 look better than that forgettable trash. FFX looks better than most shit on Gamecube. Gamecube was more powerful, it just wasn't glaringly obvious because no fucking developers supported it.. GT4 and God of War 2 on PS2 looks better than most every GCN game..
  8. True, I don't either. Eh, at the end of the day what you show might get people hyped, but it might not be enough to put you in GOTS type lists. Those usually are dominated by games which have been shown and gameplay has been revealed. Cyberpunk is going to be fucking massive though
  9. No. MGS2 was infinitely more impressive than Rogue LOLer... what the fuck.. rofl. It's not Aza's point... It's my point as well... because it had much better games visually.
  10. That would be completely stupid to have the "winner" not even be mentioned on the list of options lmao Big lack of oversight on their part.
  11. For IGN's shooter of the show poll they don't even list Halo as an option.
  12. Uh, that's what I'm assuming the criteria was. The game had to be demonstrated or playable...
  13. No. Absolutely none of those games outside of RE4 look better than MGS3... or Silent Hill 3, or Gran Turismo 4 or Shadow of the Colossus or Tekken 5... Certainly nothing that demonstrates that GCN was significantly more powerful... PS2 was getting the impressive looking games.. while GCN got shit 3rd party support and Nintendo games... come the fuck on
  14. Yea, but none of that means shit when your games generally look like shit. MGS2 and 3 look better than most everything on GCN.. who the fuck you idiots think you're kidding?
  15. Eh, looking at MGS2, 3, God of War 2 at the time. There were some technically amazing looking games on PS2. It's not hard to believe that people would think PS2 was more powerful than GCN, especially in the beginning.
  16. This is kind of what I'm saying. BL2 outsold every Halo game... but nobody considers BL2 to be this dominating force... certainly not like Halo was... BECAUSE the market has opened up substantially. We have multiple games that sell well over 10 million these days. The market is much bigger... so it's harder for any single franchise to really stand out. So when I see Halo Infinite beating the next Borderlands... it tells me that Halo's still has that factor. It's still there with the big boys... it does about as well as these games still do.. but it's simply not alone anymore.
  17. Hardcore lemmings will definitely be hurt if the next Xbox isn't more powerful than PS5.. because basically announced with the X that being the most powerful is extremely important to them. Being the place where games play best and all that shit... so regardless of what Lemmings would admit.. yes it would definitely be demoralizing to them after the X. Most certainly because if they didn't have MP games and performance to hold over Cows heads, they wouldn't really have anything, since PS games are mostly on another level visually from Xbox. If they don't have the games, and they don't have
  18. That's really not what I'm acting like at all. I'm not acting like it's some underdog story. You're the one that's acting like it should still be some deity in gaming forum.... Dude, that's not being realistic. What's wrong with the competition in the poll? lmao dude.. Those are some of the biggest shooter franchises out.. What games would you be happy with there? Like I said.. the times have changed. There's no Halo 3's.. anymore... there never will be. The gaming market has opened up significantly.. You're the one downplaying Halo Infinite because
  19. Any power difference really won't matter in the end, they'll both be close enough. That said.. if one has an obvious advantage over the other in some way, then it could affect things. That goes from one having better dev tools over the other (easier to work with), if one has accelerated RT and the other doesn't, console features, and most obviously.. price.
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