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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes I'm serious... You just proved my point. CoD WAS the absolute shit after MW4... Now it's hated... but it's still a behemoth of a franchise, and that Matt Picsila guy predicts it to be the highest selling game of the year... Like it always is in a year that Rockstar doesn't release a game.. And then I can take your point and throw it back at you. How many people hate MS' first party these days? How many people have faith that anything from them, or 343i is going to be amazing? It's the same shit for Halo.. half the people will be pissed because Chiefs armor isn't quite the right color
  2. Eh, you have to look at it in the context of the times my dude.
  3. Well CoD has fallen even harder then I guess? Because wasn't it CoD that killed Halo? IMO it's crazy that Halo and even Borderlands is far above CoD. How do you explain that?
  4. Borderlands IS very popular and is available on everything.. so that's not really that surprising IMO. Also the other thing that is surprising is that all of the other games are releasing quite soon.. as in this year. Whereas Halo is a year and a half away. People usually tend to vote towards the more immediate things as their most anticipated because it's closer and not so far off. Which imo makes it even more impressive that Halo Infinite is as high as it is. People talk like Halo's dead though.. that's the problem. People act like all of it's popularity is gone and it's a m
  5. Nah. They can develop with it using the fallback layer in DXR and Vulkan. It's very likely that AMD has provided them drivers to at least develop with RT in mind.. Which is perhaps the reason why no developer is willing to speak on it yet.. because the fact that the silicon isn't there in the dev kits, they are forced to use the fallback layer, which wouldn't be representative of performance at all. PS5's kits could be farther ahead, could contain 5700XTs, whereas the Xbox kits might be using VEGA 56s at this point. Not to mention the toolsets could be at different quality level
  6. Because as I said earlier, the dev kits could have different hardware in them at this point. In fact, I'm almost certain at this point that none of the dev kits have any "hardware based ray tracing" tech in them. The PS5 kits are likely further along and maybe by now have something akin to thhe 5700XT in them.. but that still lacks any RT tech. MS' kits probably have older hardware in them at this point.
  7. The one that I said was behind closed doors. The one they reference in the link that I posted.. The one that people are talking about..
  8. https://www.spieltimes.com/news/cyberpunk-2077-e3-2019-demo-pc-specs-revealed-titan-rtx-8700k/ CPU: Intel i7-8700K @ 3.70 GHz Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX Z370-I GAMING RAM: G.Skill Ripjaws V, 2x16GB, 3000MHz, CL15 GPU: Titan RTX SSD: Samsung 960 Pro 512 GB M.2 PCIe PSU: Corsair SF600 600W Essentially a 2080ti +5% Still not showing anything of this game on consoles whatsoever.. We're less than a year out and they aren't and haven't said anything about them.. People who saw the 2nd behind closed doors demo have said that they
  9. You're basing that on some stupid preconceived notion of the power of a 1080 or 2070. Whatever.. You'll be happy with next gen, I'm sure.
  10. You wont be saying that when you see next generation games homie. You wont even give a shit about TFlops anymore
  11. Jon.. I don't know why you are so worried about the consoles "just" having GTX 1080 performance... the Xbox One X in "tflops" is about the same as the GTX 970... the 1080 is well over 2x the power of that. There's only so much die space and a certain level power envelope that they've gotta be within.. With optimizations and architectural differences there will be workloads that the Navi GPU will completely obliterate the GTX 1080 in... others not so much. It's going to fall around 2070 level of performance.. which is pretty badass.
  12. The mere fact that AMD's "Navi" GPUs releasing on PC don't have ray tracing, and the fact that there's an RDNA and "next gen RDNA" which WILL have their HW based RT solution.. tells me that it's not "secret sauce" you dumb fuckhead. I'm not saying the next Xbox WILL have it... but that it COULD. And the reason why there might be a discrepancy in the dev kit power could be explained by MS not having that hardware yet in their dev kits, which would make it potentially "less powerful" at this point than Sony's machine. You think I'm trying to invent some fucking explanati
  13. Fuck off with this shit breh Before you went from acceptance that MS' more powerful console would be more powerful than PS5... then after E3 we heard from exactly 2 people, that Sony's PS5 dev kit was more powerful. Now you've completely accepted that as fact and any mention than MS has something different than Sony which could possibly account for that (different RT implementation and older dev kits) and you're getting touchy and defensive as fuck. Yet you had no problem before assuming that Sony had Navi for PS5 and MS was going to use Vega... Ok dude. Sony's got
  14. Look how fucking touchy you're getting over the mere suggestion that MS has a different RT implementation to Sony's which is hardware based and more in line with something like Nvidia's. You're getting really fucking defensive and spinning up narratives that it's all fairy dust and secret sauce. Relax dude
  15. Ha... I'm the only one here who's been fucking REAL about this game since the start I said multiple times it looked like shit before... and they acknowledged and specifically delayed the game to address those concerns.. proving me right. You're absolutely welcome that the game is better now because of people like me being real with them and not sucking dick simply because iga iga
  16. Oh fuck off with the "fairy dust" shit. You're already trying to spin up the narrative that we're saying a bunch of shit that we're really not.
  17. Weren't you fags going on about how nobody could tell the difference when Nvidia was talking about it? It could have RT shadows and AO. Just because there isn't pretty reflections all over the place doesn't mean there isn't RT. And who the fuck cares if Halo has it or not... what does that have to do with anything?
  18. I'm actually anxious for this now. Some people that are playing it are saying it's really good.. although it probably will have middling reviews.. They've improved it enough to the point where it doesn't look like a joke.. and apparently the map is huge. So I'm looking forward to jumping in this.
  19. You would think that if Sony had a specific hardware based accelerated RT solution, they would have mentioned it and spoke more prominently of it when they announced some of the PS5 specs/features just before E3 to take the wind out of MS' sails. All they basically mentioned was "RT support" and spoke about how it could be used for audio. If I were Sony, I would have focused on HW based RT and driven that home.
  20. I'm guessing $499. Sony might try $449.. but yea. They seem pretty expensive BOM-wise. Hard to say how much either of them are willing to lose on each console though.
  21. Yea. I mean I'm not taking any of this for certain, but it would make sense if Sony was further along and are using a "first generation" Navi product, whereas MS' could potentially be using a more advanced Navi which includes AMDs ray tracing implementation. The reason why their dev kits could be less powerful is due to the fact that they're further behind and are using something akin to a Vega 56, while Sony's could now be using 5700XTs or Vega 64s at this point. If Sony really did change their plans from a 2019 launch and decided to implement a custom 3rd party RT solution with
  22. Like I've said earlier... if one system has a distinct RT advantage over the other, then it's going to be tough for the one with less RT capability. Since both will "support" it, devs will utilize it.. and it will mean clearly better performing games on one system vs the other.
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