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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Getting FF7 and playing it all weekend with my best friend. He didn't have a Playstation, but after playing FF7 it was the next thing he bought lol. Other than that, probably seeing and playing Mario 64 for the first time. My mind was blown.
  2. God damn. This game is gonna be something else. Max is awesome
  3. There will NEVER be another Halo 3 moment.. who the absolute FUCK are you guys kidding? Idiots in this thread actually trying to say that any Sony franchise is NEARLY as big or iconic as Halo?? God of War? That series was literally one single game away from complete irrelevancy. It could have went either way... and it just so happened to go amazingly for them. Regardless... it was NEVER and will never be the iconic series Halo was/is. I will say Halo is in the same situation though, and they really need to knock it out of the park. But acting like there isn't
  4. The snow effects they have are probably the best I've ever seen. This game looks absolutely glorious. This game could be the Tales series' "Monster Hunter World" moment, where they exceed all expectations.
  5. Warehouse scale VR Sup Javi?
  6. The visuals in this game are just crazy. The Lego in this game look absolutely perfect. Better than any of the actual Lego games out there. These aren't my pics, but you get the point. The F40 is insane when you get it too. So fast and tight controlling compared to the Mini Cooper S. Also, I wonder if, like in the last shot, all the studs are fully modeled or not? Because they certainly look fully modeled. The amount of polygons the game is pushing is insane.
  7. In Japanese but god damn does this game look incredible. How they've went from Berseria to this is just beyond me. They've also confirmed that the amount of characters you have will be similar to previous Tales games. Can't wait for this one.
  8. Steam has an API for specifically this reason. Any developers can integrate most of Steams features right into their game or program/app. They want people using their features.. and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which client is used to launch games or is used to hook into their features. It all comes down to use. This wont make any difference to Valve. Again, I'm sure they are actively pushing for this. Also some cool shit from the article I posted: The amazing thing is that the GOG client will be completely open source. Meani
  9. Holy shit I love this expansion. It's a lot better than Fortune Island imo.. which I still really haven't played much of mind you. But this one is fun as hell. And I swear to God, FH4 is the best looking game this gen. This game (the entirety of FH4) at 5K with 8xMSAA and everything maxed out on Extreme/Ultra is just stupidly good looking. Also in this expansion, the amount of physics and shit from the bricks and stuff flying everywhere when you're plowing through stuff is just incredible. I don't think I'm ready for what they'll do with Scarlett and PC next gen
  10. https://www.pcgamer.com/gogs-quest-to-unite-all-game-launchers-just-might-work-and-microsoft-is-already-on-board/
  11. Epic is in talks with GoG to integrate clients, just like MS. GOG Galaxy 2.0 will be THE client to use. Steam is pretty much guaranteed to be involved as well.
  12. Definitely the fact that they didn't show any Gears 5 campaign footage. Still boggles my mind. Game will be great though. And Halo Infinite will be godly. The Chief is back
  13. No. There's no question it's going to perform like crap too. lmao If the game was build from the ground up for Switch.. maybe not.. but these ports.. guaranteed to have problems imo.
  14. I changed it because even I realize that I say that shit too much. I know he's not an idiot, dummy.. I'm just playing. If anything, YOU'RE the idiot for demoding youself jk @Cookester15 mod the man again for crying out loud
  15. He thinks CDPR created and made this world
  16. It does. Tries to make a joke and ends up looking ignorant.. Congrats
  17. MCC coming to PC, and more importantly Steam.. is exactly what MS needed to do. Halo is gonna do very well on PC.
  18. Cyberpunk isn't a new IP And Cyberpunk probably got most of it's views from SJWs looking to find things to be outraged and complain about... let's be fucking real
  19. I might have to give this a shot on PC.
  20. Remij


    Looks awesome.
  21. See... Sea of Thieves is a lot more popular than you guys give it credit for. People are and have been playing the fuck out of that game. Am I saying 8 million people are playing it concurrently.. lmao no.. but it's sold extremely well, and GP has people popping in and out all the time. It has a healthy following and has a fucking excellent core gameplay to build off of. The fact that it's right behind Halo and not Forza is kind of surprising to me though. I would have thought Forza would have been ahead of it. But that's good news. Xbox games on PC, steam in parti
  22. 8 million people have played it. Millions ARE playing it Halo 5 did amazingly well. Halo Infinite is now on Xbox AND PC... and very likely Steam to boot. Halo Infinite is going to be huge. You're a god damn idiot.... ESPECIALLY when you faggots yourselves have posted E3 trailer views (Spider-Man ect) to show how popular Sony games were.. lmfao clown
  23. Jesus Or you know.. it could be that GOG is based in Europe and that they are the ones announcing it
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