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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I thought it was really stupid of them to not show any Campaign footage at E3. But it was more for the reason that MS really needs to be showing off single player story driven focused content at these shows. They are being criticized more than ever about it.. and Phil's been droning on about how it's really import and that they have devs working on them... but then they don't show anything from the ONE game that people know about and know that it's close. It's completely understandable that people are worried about the quality and direction of the series. What else are they supp
  2. It's going to be shown on Monday. I actually really enjoyed the Technical Test. Arcade Mode was fun.
  3. Not too worried about this. If it was Chris Lee.. then I'd be concerned.
  4. ? The trailer was just published today. Or do you mean the original reveal trailer? Anyway, yea it's a beaut. edit: NVM I see the guy has made 2 trailers and that was the 2nd one. You probably were talking about the first one.
  5. That's sick! I've never seen that commercial before. Man.. the tech is so cool. It's insane what they can already do. But it's also scary as hell in many ways. We don't/won't know what's real and what's not in the future.
  6. Not sure. I'm guessing it's the original developers though.. because there's no indication that any other teams are doing it. The main site only has Xbox Game Studios as the publisher. I don't think anyone else could do it justice anyway. MFS is on another level. Anyway, they've been using satellite data and Machine Learning to build the world environment... and it's pretty crazy how good it looks. Especially from up high. I'm sure it will start to break down the lower you fly.. but still on another level from what's out there currently. The cloud tech looks really damn good
  7. MS posted some new screens and video clips of MFS and someone made a trailer out of them. Pretty hype. Here's a few of the vids MS posted on their website: https://cdn.microsoftstudios.com/fsi/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ARCACHON.mp4 https://cdn.microsoftstudios.com/fsi/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/A320_StrasbourgFeb.mp4?_=2 https://cdn.microsoftstudios.com/fsi/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/TimelapseCloudsInDesert.mp4?_=1 I mean FUUUCK
  8. This really just means keep the focus of the game tight. With AAA games it's easy to lose sight of the core of what you're trying to accomplish... look at Star Citizen for example.. Keep the team focused and able to push out a high quality mid sized game. I feel like that's exactly what Ninja Theory should be doing. Now isn't the time to give them an unlimited budget... nothing says that they could manage that yet. They have to build up slowly over time.
  9. It sells on PC because it's BEST on PC... and the new big thing is role playing... and you can't do that shit on shitty consoles. PC communities are the only ones who keep games alive for years and years and years. RDR2 is coming
  10. Crazy impressive. How GTA5 continues to sell is beyond me.
  11. I always loved their sound and Mr. Cheek's smooth ass flow. Unfortunately they were never the same after the death of Freaky Tah.. but they were tight as fuck.
  12. It's quite clear that Sony is open to allowing PC releases of games from developers who had, but no longer have, an exclusive relationship with them. Sony knows that the odd PC release a year+ later isn't any competition to them anyway. Bring on Bloodborne FromSoft
  13. Because overall opinions and lasting impressions aren't necessarily built upon solely what something is. They're built upon a number of things. For example, the friends you play a game with at a given time can make one's opinion of a game better, and cause that person recall that game as a particularly good, despite being "worse on paper" so to speak. That's just one example. There's many different ways in which that's the case and a number of games which have had "improved versions" or "sequels" released in which I don't hold in nearly as high of regard, despite being superior
  14. Nah. I never felt any of them other than NSF3. I'm not going to act like they are bad games or anything.. but I specifically remember only being excited by and having tons of fun with NFS3.
  15. Anyway, we can agree that the Hot Pursuit games were the best ones
  16. No. YOU don't understand. PS2 was my main system. I played the NFS games on PS2. And my mind is made up. NFS3: Hot Pursuit >>>>>> Just disagree and leave it at that
  17. Nah.. I played them all. The rest have been garbage. I hope the next Forza Horizon game has missions where there are cops which will chase you down and arrest you.
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