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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Keep ignoring them. Nintendo wont support it anytime soon
  2. I'll play it today I think... with raytraced AO
  3. They don't though... They can use DXR all they want without Nvidia. They're simply "partnering" because it's free publicity.
  4. No.. it's not an opinion.. it's a fact that AMD does not have a card more powerful than Nvidia's 2080ti or Titan RTX. Get a fucking clue dude. There's not a single fucking game Vulkan or not, that AMD's Radeon 7 card wins in over the 2080ti. NOT A SINGLE ONE. And if you're going to post that stupid WWZ zombie game where AMD won using Vulkan at 1080p, that shit's old because right after that Nvidia released a new driver that improved performance in that game by over 20% and other Vulkan games as well. It's not an opinion.. it's a FACT. Nvidia has the single best perf
  5. https://www.overclock3d.net/news/software/ray_tracing_is_coming_to_doom_eternal_-_we_ll_do_it_better_than_anybody/1 And anotha one
  6. His work is done... the specs aren't changing. WTF are you even talking about?
  7. That's not an opinion though man... It's a FACT that Nvidia has the fastest hardware out there.
  8. But, I'm telling you they do. I'm talking about myself here... Idgaf what they're doing at the low-mid range. If they want me as a customer, then they have to put out top of the line shit. That's the only way I'll ever be interested. I'm absolutely not LOYAL to Nvidia at all... they simply put out the best performing hardware.
  9. I was gonna lock this thread because I thought you were making a joke and posted a pic of some retard.. but that's actually the guy
  10. It really doesn't. It runs at 2x the fps. And looks better. Has better textures.. lighting... ect. Just because they didn't scan some fucking actor doesn't mean that it's not technically much better.
  11. Honestly, Detroit IS some next gen shit. Game is gonna look phenomenal on PC
  12. Look at that.. a secondary Halo character has as good of a model as Kratos And you fags can't separate the technology from the art style. Fucking Horizon??? ROFL.. Halo's visuals shit on Horizon.. come the fuck on.
  13. Checked the list to make sure that Untitled Goose Game was on there... Glad it wasn't missed.
  14. Don't confuse my hate for the conference and the fact that they didn't show gameplay as thinking Halo didn't look incredible. Visually it's stunning. You guys.. lmao. 4K 60fps last gen guys
  15. It's such a relatively small market compared to the actual market to which the technology makes sense. People like Jehurey and Aza were talking like as if MS' whole cloud future depended on whether or not Nintendo let them partner with them
  16. Eh, they probably feel they have to have SOME thing exclusive for console owners. Nobody really cares... they'll be emulated anyway
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