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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Honestly, Detroit IS some next gen shit. Game is gonna look phenomenal on PC
  2. Look at that.. a secondary Halo character has as good of a model as Kratos And you fags can't separate the technology from the art style. Fucking Horizon??? ROFL.. Halo's visuals shit on Horizon.. come the fuck on.
  3. Checked the list to make sure that Untitled Goose Game was on there... Glad it wasn't missed.
  4. Don't confuse my hate for the conference and the fact that they didn't show gameplay as thinking Halo didn't look incredible. Visually it's stunning. You guys.. lmao. 4K 60fps last gen guys
  5. It's such a relatively small market compared to the actual market to which the technology makes sense. People like Jehurey and Aza were talking like as if MS' whole cloud future depended on whether or not Nintendo let them partner with them
  6. Eh, they probably feel they have to have SOME thing exclusive for console owners. Nobody really cares... they'll be emulated anyway
  7. Of course gaming... There's a reason why AMD is changing their architecture to be more like Nvidia's.. and separating Vega from RDNA. They are a generation behind, and still have no ray-tracing. The fact that there's rumors that Sony and Ms are going with 3rd party solutions for their limited RT implementations shows that AMD is long behind. Just when AMD is about to get their RT solution out into the desktop, Nvidia will have a 2nd generation RT implementation on 7nm EUV. AMD's 'next gen' hardware which isn't even out yet, is playing catchup. For me to even consider
  8. Not to me. It's mid ranged. 2060 is low end, 2070-80 mid ranged, 2080ti is high end, and Titans are Enthusiast. This new 'Super' lineup puts AMD's shit even further down the pole. They're well over a year behind at this point man.
  9. You were talking to me though. And I specifically said I wanted more than mid-ranged cards. Radeon VII is a mid ranged gaming card.
  10. Must be why the conversation is about xbox then
  11. Guys, can't you stay on fucking topic for once?
  12. I don't know how anyone could like the way the game sounds. It sounds terrible for a Zelda game. But eh
  13. Says the guy who seems pissy over what I said. The guy who threw a temper tantrum over the fact that his xbox sucks and was worthless. LMAO console fags get so touchy when herms bully them
  14. Bullshit Show me some comparisons then. I'd like you to prove your claim. And no... the textures are FAR more detailed than anything out there... like wtf? What resolution are you watching this in? And I hate to break it to you... but there's absolutely no slowdown at all. Maybe whatever you're watching the video on is dropping frames... because it's absolutely locked 60fps. There's no slowdown at all.
  15. Look.. I want Lisa's signature just as much as any other reasonable human being, but Lisa.. baby.. you gotta give me more than mid range shit girl.
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