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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You would think they also wouldn't demo it like that though... But I agree. I expect it to be good by launch.
  2. https://wccftech.com/exclusive-nvidias-super-gpus-unleashing-monsters/ It's apparently a brand new chip and not an old part. Essentially all 'SUPER' gpus move their respective gpus up to the next class, for the same price. So the 2060 super would perform like the 2070, the 2070 super like the 2080, the 2080 super like the 2080ti and the 2080ti super... Jensen is ready to blast the fuck out of AMD's little Navi launch.. I wonder if this is still 12nm, or 7nm EUV?? If it's still 12nm... and they blow the fuck out of AMD's 7nm parts...
  3. The Giantbomb guys said this game runs like shit 60fps indoors, chugging at less than 30 most of the time while outdoors with grass on the screen. They also said it looks jaggy as fuck. Oh well lol
  4. We've already seen an old trailer which reveals a glimpse of the open world. This will be a first generation next gen game. It's going to look much better on Scarlett and PC than it will on X1X... but I'm not saying it's going to compare to mid/late gen next gen games... don't try to twist it. UC4, GoW, Horizon... all 30fps. Halo will be 60fps and already the fidelity is on another level. Flying around the gorgeous environments on a warthog while many enemies and ships and effects and lighting is going crazy will be incredible on Scarlett/PC. Those Sony g
  5. That's a 60fps cutscene.. and the lighting and material work is far higher quality than any current gen game. GoW doesn't even have textures that detailed... and it's the best looking current gen game imo.
  6. No.. I said the current gen version... which isn't this version. Try again
  7. Nope. The current gen version will look and run far worse. Hence why both have only been shown running on PCs.. Lynoob
  8. The fidelity in this trailer is on another level compared to current gen shit. The textures here are far higher quality. This is 4K/60 too. There's not a single current gen console that could run this trailer like this. If you're not watching on a 4K screen.. go find one. You can instantly see the material work is on another level. While I wish we would have gotten a view of the open environments.. the trailer hits all the right notes. "We need to run!" "No... we need to fight" Chief is BACK
  9. The 2080ti isn't getting a "super" variant. lmao you don't even know what the hell you're talking about. buibut if I spent your money I'd be blahblahblah
  10. You think I'm triggered I'm stating facts. Your shit version of this game will run like shit, look like shit, and wont have RT... Those are FACTS. bub but HDR Defensive as fuck because you're going to be playing a shit version of this game... LOL
  11. I have an HDR TV dipshit Trying to tell me about HDR.. clown.. me and GD were the first people talking about it back on SS.net. And NO... HDR will absolutely NOT have a greater impact on gaming and visuals than ray tracing will have. You're absolutely obliviously retarded if you think so. Literally STUPID as fuck. Let me know when you get a console that can actually ray-trace game effects CP2077 last gen shit version bu but mah Hdurrrzz
  12. No it's not. And LMAO, you're the same type of clown that Jonb is where any fucking game with HDR slapped on the box you think is amazing, and yet it's tested and proven that it's completely fucked and not even, or barely, HDR at all. You guys are straight fucking idiots. Enjoy your last gen versions of CP2077
  13. No.. it's really not. Ray tracing as a technology will do FAR MORE for game visuals than HDR. Are you a fucking clown? Yes... you are.. don't answer that. And PC has both.. ROFL. 30fps 1080p on PRO heavily downgraded probably... lmao fuck off clown
  14. Yes. Last gen consoles have HDR... LAST GEN SHIT. And the PC version of CP2077 has HDR.. AND ray tracing. LMAO last gen consoles
  15. I said this ages ago on Sidescrollers. I think MS will unify the Xbox devices under a single name for marketing.. that being simply XBOX, and for cross gen games will push a single retail package which will state on the box the compatible Xbox devices. These games will work on both families of devices, and you can pop the game in and the game will run at the appropriate settings. I think that "cross gen games" which will work on both systems may have a different color case as to make it extremely obvious that those games will work in both devices. Xbox Scarlet specific games (yes..
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