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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Will look like a last gen game on consoles, and run like shit too... worse that TW3. Book it
  2. It looks terrible. And will likely perform at about 20-25fps. Why the fuck even bother? lol
  3. RTX keeps winning. That's like 5 games announced at E3 to support it. There's a gameplay demo of it at E3 with RTX as well.
  4. Looks incredible. Glad it wasn't downgraded.. but it's clear to see why now. Cutscenes are 30fps while gameplay is 60. That's great. Gears 5 redeemed
  5. For me BOTW has the perfect art style for a Zelda game. This is so much better than the "realistic" Zelda games. It's essentially the perfect blend imo. BOTW2 looks incredible so far. I love the dark vibes. Nintendo has another masterpiece on their hands.
  6. YES! It looks like what Majora's Mask was to Ocarina of Time, but for BOTW
  7. Exactly. I'm never listening to those fucks again. Especially the 'MS' insiders.
  8. Mario Galaxy 3 or a new Mario series of games. Drop that shit Nintendo.
  9. The IGN video was garbage. The other videos I've seen look much much better. I'm still not sold on this game type, but SP will probably look pretty phenomenal.
  10. These aren't taking away from that. I'm sure they've got plans to bring most of their beloved stuff to current platforms.
  11. Here we go. This gives us a good glimpse at what their solution will be for consoles. The consoles will probably have the Next Gen RDNA solution, which by itself still seems pretty limited. It seems pretty much like what I said it would be. They will utilize cloud computing to accelerate ray-tracing which doesn't involve quickly changing dynamic elements. Essentially the slow changing elements which update at bigger intervals (GI and shadows) and thus can be computed more slowly and with more latency without being noticeable. The player would never be able to tell the difference and it w
  12. Yea, it's also confirmed that this version has boosters and 3x speed increase just like FF7 and 9 did. I wonder if PC FF8 owners will simply get a cheaper upgrade or if we'll have to buy the game again. I think they might do an upgrade and then replace the old version on the store with the new one.
  13. Not the same. It's been improved. Character models are different. It'll probably be like FF9 was..which also had character model improvements. It was made with Unity and used the PC version of the game as a base to build off of. Same with FF7 remaster. The PS source code has been lost apparently so that's how they have to do it.. and also why it's taken them longer to bring to the other consoles.
  14. It's going to be more than 2 parts... Like I said, probably 3. They're expanding the fuck out of everything. Going in with the impression that it's going to be the same and they need to cut off here or there or whatever is useless.
  15. Idiots who wait for the PC/XO release I can't believe we already know 2020's GOTY. Absolutely insane.
  16. lmao.. there's a thread about this game called Police Stories, where you have to use tactics and make split-second decisions on what actions to take... and ERA's commenting on how it's so insensitive given todays climate. "It's just glorifying police militarization" Jesus..
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