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Everything posted by Remij

  1. They've probably done a lot of work on optimizing the entire pipeline. Encoders/decoders, input layer optimizations and adjustments to compensate for latency, as well as the servers themselves being all over and optimized for as low latency as possible.
  2. Watch Dogs does look good. LMAO the old lady.. that's hilarious how their attributes affect their gameplay. Good shit. Hopefully they execute it well.
  3. Usually yea. And the fact that they're demoing it on phones, means the display lag will be extremely low, however, that's countered by the fact that phones rely on wifi.. which makes getting an extremely low latency tougher. It's really impressive. But as already said, it will vary greatly between devices and connections, as well as distances to the servers. Still very encouraging.
  4. I don't know what the typical controller response is off the top of my head, but nah. What I do know is that he's confusing display lag with "input lag" which is the latency of the entire chain and not just the display. lmao
  5. Nah. Port of the PC version, just like 7.
  6. I'm guessing Xbox and PC 6 months after PS4. Could be a year though.. so it's possible.
  7. That'll be great for the less than 20% of people that play it.. and the 5% of those people who have X1X's
  8. All pretty much perfect in my eyes. No longer worried about the rest of the supporting cast
  9. You don't really realize how much of an improvement it is until you see them side by side again
  10. OMFG These people are just pouring over and judging everything they see based on whether or not there's enough diversity lmao.. They're even calling Avengers characters "generic white dudes" Be more creative developers.... add PoC to your games!!
  11. I think Avengers looks pretty sick. Very nice gfx.
  12. SquareEnix's lineup is awesome. We're seeing the phoenix rise here people. Holy shit
  13. No.. it's 2 parts.. that's not episodic..
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