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Everything posted by Remij

  1. FF7 for sure, possibly FF8 remaster, and rumors of a Mana Collection. Please don't let us down SquareEnix
  2. Yea. 4 extra cores on the CPU wouldn't be worth it in the end. It definitely would eat up too much valuable space. This E3 didn't really reveal anything substantial to differentiate the consoles from each other.. unfortunately.
  3. I think they'll be the full desktop core with further optimizations which can be granted by a closed box system like a console. Some people were talking about the fact that since Zen 2 doesn't support AVX512 instructions on the desktop side, they could potentially do optimizations to the memory subsystem to help mitigate that on consoles.
  4. Hmm.. while it's doubtful they would throw in a 12 core proc, that would definitely boost their RT performance over the competition to have 4 cores dedicated to RT. I think I read somewhere that Halo Infinite has RT reflections or something? I might be wrong, but there was some talk about the reflections in the chiefs visor. In the reveal trailer when they show his helmet, there's the warthog reflection from behind the camera... but that could simply be faked.
  5. Yea real world is what actually matters here.. but I wouldn't be surprised. Regardless.. even for a controlled test environment, those are good figures. I'm optimistic. And like they've said before.. the ability to have datacenters all over the world and close as possible to users is what can help bring the latency issue to a reasonable level.
  6. MS is HEAVILY involved in both the software side and hardware side of ray-tracing. They are involved with Nvidia, and obviously AMD as well. At this point though, "hardware accelerated" can mean anything. Is it being done through specialized units on the GPU, or being done through optimizations on the CPU? That is the question. Or perhaps a combination of both? More cores on the CPU would definitely help. I completely forget.. did MS announce how many cores Scarlett would have?
  7. Anandtech's article is up about the Zen 2 architecture. Good shit. https://www.anandtech.com/show/14525/amd-zen-2-microarchitecture-analysis-ryzen-3000-and-epyc-rome Some interesting slides. Also it appears that the new Win10 update has some good optimizations (finally) for AMD Zen processors. Still REALLY sucks they don't support AVX512.. though. That would have made a HUGE difference in some applications. AMD CPUs
  8. Yea seems that way. It's kind of disappointing for them to do it this way.. but they presumably need something out for this year.. so they're shoving this out to tide people over till spring/summer next year. This and Radeon 7 is meant to supply the mid and high range segments. This unfortunately shows that they are quite behind Nvidia still, and that their "real" next gen parts are likely dependent on technologies Sony and MS have collaborated with them on. It's just messy.. compared to their crystal clear strategy with their CPUs. Oh well.
  9. Wider vector units as rumored. Navi at the high end could be pretty good.
  10. Who knows.. but they will have infinitely more power with the new CPUs. They might be able to just brute force OG and 360 emulation fullstop. We'll see.
  11. Tim Sweeney is the exact type of person MS needs to be running Xbox right now lol. He'd be throwing that big dick money around to bully his way into the market just like his is/will be with Epic Game Store. You gotta respect the hustle.
  12. Because it's a great fucking game if you're into MP games with friends...
  13. Scarlett will be 100% backwards compatible with everything Xbox One consoles can play. They mentioned that BC efforts were done for the moment. Presumably it's too complicated to get other games working properly on Xbox One hardware, so it may start up again when X2 comes and they have more power to brute force things.. I'm guessing.
  14. MS just announced that these are the last 8 games they are bringing to Xbox One and Xbox One X. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2019/06/10/e3-2019-whats-next-xbox-backward-compatibility/ These are the last 8 games. Rare games are getting X1X enhancements
  15. Hmm.. I wanna see gaming comparisons between the 12 core and the 16 core. Either way IntelHBR
  16. LMAO AMD 50th anniversary edition GPU bait
  17. ok so the price is $450.. better, but not enough. Nvidia is going to spoil this with their "Super" shit
  18. And now AMD is hyping up adjusting pre-rendered frames as a feature This is hilarious.
  19. Yea, but some people had their hopes up since consoles are talking up RT. It just confirms that this isn't "full RDNA"..
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