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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 5700XT $499 (2070 class).. and no mention so far of Ray tracing..... yea, that's not going to work AMD
  2. Except the market shows that more people want to do that than buy Xbox consoles Sorry spicololol
  3. Yea we both did at pretty much the exact same time. I added the youtube link.
  4. made a thread already breh gonna lock this one up
  5. We should hopefully learn more about Ryzen 3000 as well as Navi and possibly their RT implementation. Starts in 13 min Twitch Youtube Let's see what the RDNA fuss is about
  6. I'm just fucking with you. It/they are all really incredible values when you think of it. But that Jason Schreier guy brings up a good point Seriously.. with a lot of these subscription services coming, and offering deals, and free trials, and discounts and whatever else... people's idea of what games SHOULD cost, will change. It's not always just about production values... the thinking will be... I can pay $10 and get tons of hours of content from X service.. which also include AAA games... so why pay $60 up front anymore? It won't happen in
  7. Well if you haven't noticed, EA has Access, and Ubisoft has Uplay+... it's not special by itself
  8. Not my fault this E3 is hellbent on destroying hopes and dreams. What a shit show.
  9. PS4 and Epic Game Store exclusive No Xbox
  10. Only if you're stupid. And even then it still makes you wrong, since you conceded that Sony maybe would use GDDR6, but that MS' MORE POWERFUL console would use HBM.
  11. Probably referring to 4x the CPU power guys...
  12. *Ahem* @DynamiteCop! would you please stand up.
  13. Remij


    This thread aged well Holy shit I'm done for I'm lowering my expectations for everything from now on. Fuck this shit.
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