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Everything posted by Remij

  1. They built a new engine and developer tools for this Halo and their future next gen games. That's 2 years gone right there. You two and your stupid fucking arguing and bickering over stupid shit
  2. I'm not acting emotional.. I'm simply saying it sucked. You're the one getting bothered because people are getting tired of MS' shit.
  3. Dude, get over it. We're a gaming fanboy site. As a single dude with reasonable expectations from them.. I'm disappointed. You're making excuses. These shows are meant to instill confidence about the future... and they failed to do that. Gotta wait till next E3.. again.
  4. I don't understand it at all. It makes NO sense. They know what kind of things people want to see.. They know that people think they have a huge hole in their games lineup of strong single player campaign story games. This was their chance to demo that... and the fucking announce a new MP game type with a CGI trailer?? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? No.. this just shows me that they AREN'T learning.
  5. Hey, I get that. My main complaint is why they didn't show anything... but then I have to ask myself why?
  6. No I'm not. It was a horrible let down. Be fucking honest with yourself.
  7. Apparently the Halo Infinite trailer was running on the Xbox One X. Another thing these fucking insiders got wrong Either that or it's damage control about why it doesn't look "next gen" enough..
  8. Dude... what they did is terrible. Somethings fucked with the game. It ain't coming together like planned. What a mess.
  9. They absolutely know what the fuck is going on. They feel NO pressure. The second they do.. they're ready to launch nukes.
  10. The game releases in 3 or so months FFS... We haven't seen ANY campaign gameplay yet... FUCK And these shithead insiders saying Gears is going to blow our socks off
  11. Damn.. when you write it all out like that
  12. Ori looks INCREDIBLE! I was hoping for late this year though. Oh well, will be amazing.. not worried about that at all. lol My disappointment comes more from the expectations... and then straight up things that MS doesn't seem to understand and thus keep making the same mistakes. Fucking Gears and Halo man... Show us the fucking game. Campaign.. STORY. That's what we want... not whatever the fuck that was with Gears and another teaser for Halo..
  13. So apparently they're showing a Gears 5 campaign trailer on tuesday at some panel... ROFL what the fuck... These guys are completely clueless.
  14. Seems like it. But in MS' defense, they can't proclaim they will have the most powerful console... when neither of them are on the market yet.. lol. I'm not worried about MS' language.. I'm worried about what developers are saying. Cerny is a crafty motherfucker. Dude is just super smart.. and he's really in tune with developers. They don't say he's the smartest dude in the room wherever he goes for nothing. Sure, given a year later, MS can best them... but releasing close to the same time with the same access to technology... Cerny is a beast.
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