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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Hopefully TE3 is shown/real Doom will be amazing I doubt Starfield will be shown. Not really expecting a whole shitload tbh.
  2. I was pretty confident too. MS is like AMD at this point... they need their Ryzen moment to show they can actually hang with Sony. They've got a great service in Gamepass.. and that is what's bringing all their goodwill... but as for games.. this E3 did nothing to change their circumstance regarding Sony and AAA games. You want to believe they're going to do it... but you usually end up disappointed and waiting for the next time...
  3. Honestly, I'm rooting for the console guys here, which is why I'm disappointed for them. This really should have been the E3 for them. MS simply NEEDS to show single player campaigns at E3... leave the MP shit for other events.. Seriously.. that's what people want to see. Story and campaign shit. They have to bump up the fidelity and production values of their games. People need to see something that gives them faith. This E3 we didn't really see anything to that effect from their first parties. They could have just made a quick tech demo idea or something. It wouldn't even
  4. Because my platform isn't defined by Xbox games. We're getting all the best 3rd party shit, plus Japanese games. The console gets nothing for itself.
  5. Nah, I'm still hyped as fuck for Chief Let me be clear, more than anything, the conference itself was a letdown. A lot of the games they showed will be great... and I love the commitment to PC. But if I was an Xbox One console owner... I'd hang myself
  6. Yea, I can't believe they didn't demonstrate it. Though presumably we'll get impressions from the show floor?? Who the fuck knows anymore?
  7. Really, I understand... but breh.. there's no defending this conference. The time for "next time" is over. Yes, they will EVENTUALLY get some good games again, but this was the time they needed to shine. The failed to deliver.. and now all the shits coming to bear. They're likely going to get beat spec-wise by Sony again.. or at least be to the point where it doesn't matter at all. Sony's teams will outclass MS' current teams in visuals... They needed to step up.. and this E3 they didn't. It's gamepass level shit and a couple of higher quality games. Why no fucki
  8. Yes. Fuck this guy in particular. Bitch hype the shit up like no other.. and now saying this shit. Fuck you dude.
  9. It's happening... lmao. MS is hyping Nintendo's event. Banjo in Smash for sure. Probably just to further piss off Xbox fans who were hoping for and expecting a Banjo Kazooie announcement
  10. That fucking Kait trailer thing was just horrible... like WTF. Apparently they were showing the MP on IGN and people were saying it looked janky. Damn
  11. Actually that 12 Minutes game looks interesting as fuck too. @-GD- I think you might like it
  12. Sorry @JONBpc The dream is dead. Don't even bother. Waste of 90min Just watch the trailers online whenever..
  13. It is UE4. Looks awesome. But is it a classic Tales game?
  14. Exactly. Sony (if they even bother next year) will go hard as fuck. PS5 reveal, new IP, probably Horizon 2 and TLOU2 and shit running on PS5 looking better than anything by far... Sure MS will have more stuff as well, but it's going to be harder for them when Sony is firing on all cylinders..
  15. Shit guys... Miyamoto actually WAS at MS' conference.... we just didn't know that he would be in the crowd laughing at how bad it was
  16. Like I said in the discord... It's always "the next one"... This was their time to just blow the lid off... Now I understand that games take time and they might not have somethings ready to show yet... but fuck... they had nothing to lose here. They still botched it.
  17. Dude, can you admit that compared to the hype they were building that conference sucked fucking ass?
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