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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Exactly. Sony (if they even bother next year) will go hard as fuck. PS5 reveal, new IP, probably Horizon 2 and TLOU2 and shit running on PS5 looking better than anything by far... Sure MS will have more stuff as well, but it's going to be harder for them when Sony is firing on all cylinders..
  2. Shit guys... Miyamoto actually WAS at MS' conference.... we just didn't know that he would be in the crowd laughing at how bad it was
  3. Like I said in the discord... It's always "the next one"... This was their time to just blow the lid off... Now I understand that games take time and they might not have somethings ready to show yet... but fuck... they had nothing to lose here. They still botched it.
  4. Dude, can you admit that compared to the hype they were building that conference sucked fucking ass?
  5. I already said this. I believe nothing anymore. I'm DONE. No more hype EVER.
  6. Real time visuals. Looked great to me.
  7. Like seriously.. that was the stupidest thing ever what they did. Announce a new game type and then show a CG video that barely explains anything. Then show 3 people ready to play the game... and then cut away from them.. .rofl FUCK OFF.
  8. Eh... Halo looked incredible to me.
  9. No fucking Dino Crisis either... Terrible. Phantasy Star Online 2 is godly though
  10. Fuck all these "insiders" The only thing they are inside are their own asses. Lying scumbags to get us hyped.
  11. I'm stupid. That shit sucked. No Miyamoto either Just fucking ban me
  12. Ok that was terrible. Halo looks incredible, but no fucking gameplay for it nor Gears 5? LMAO what the absolute fuck... Flight Simulator was the best looking thing they showed visually.. (Halo as well obviously) but how the fuck are you not going to show campaign footage of Gears??
  13. He's so fucking stupid... and lmao Deeno parroting him because he's in denial about Nintendo and MS
  14. I'll get some of that too I really didn't think Nintendo or Switch would be mentioned at all in MS' press conference. If Miyamoto is there, I'll ban myself. That's fucking CRAZY! Doubly so if MCC is announced for Switch... I'll be eating some crow
  15. It's all really happening Guesses: -Nintendo will use Xbox live -xCloud demonstrated on Switch -Ori 1+2 on Switch -Banjo in Smash -New Banjo game -Nintendo games on xCloud????? Hmmm.
  16. Not my fault you can't seem to understand that they're telling you... for Xbox news.. check out these shows... dumfux3
  17. Everywhere where Xbox is appearing you stupid fuck Oh let me guess.. you were just baiting
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