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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij


    Apparently they got 3 acquisitions
  2. Remij


    Get your X on
  3. Also, I wonder if once this app releases out of beta, if they'll completely remove the Xbox games from the Windows Store? Also interested to see what the install process looks like and if they've added and improved it. If they want this to succeed, it all has to work perfectly. No fucking up and re-downloading the again after some error or some shit, which the Windows Store had issues with in the beginning. It's got to be perfect lmao. MS don't fuck this up.. everyone is starting to give you goodwill again and are beginning to see you as genuine in your PC efforts..
  4. The reason why I'm concerned about it is because the old Xbox app didn't have it either. You essentially had to install and view your library from the Store app. On the side of the old Xbox app it just showed your recently played games and you could launch them from there.. you could never install them from the app itself. My thing is.. here, obviously they've brought the store together... but it looks like it still might only show us (in the list on the side) which games we have installed... and not our entire library associated with the account. Meaning that it loo
  5. Well obviously it's not going to show your physical games. Just the digital ones purchased through the store. That's what I want though.. is to be able to see my library of purchased games listed and then be able to install them from the list. From how it looks here, that's all going to be done through the store tab...and the list on the side is just quick access to your installed games. It's likely the Store has a section for "my games" and that's where it will be done from. If it's like that... it's not a huge deal really.. but it just makes more sense to me to lis
  6. They have Halo 5 there.. so maybe it's coming to PC as well? Probably just a mess up with marketing anyway.. but Halo 5 Forge has a different cover. Also MS definitely has at least one acquisition announcement. Though I'm guessing it's probably the Ori developers Moonstudios.. or possibly Studio MDHR.
  7. Yea, it says tomorrow. Pretty nice. Apparently it's built on something called Electron. A framework for building native desktop apps with javascript, html, and CSS. https://electronjs.org/ Seems pretty slick. The only thing I'm concerned about looking at the pics is whether or not it will just show the games you have installed, or if there's a view to see all the games in your library? If not.. they'll have to fix that. lol
  8. The store layout looks infinitely much much better. Huge improvement.
  9. Looking good. Will probably go live after their conference.
  10. LMFAO that was awesome. Back when consoles and their little rivalries were fun.
  11. Looks pretty stiff and rough still. It's definitely no Jedi Knight that's for sure. Also, I hate the motion blur effect on the characters. Hopefully on PC we'll be able to turn that shit off. Anyway, I'm down for paying a month of Premier to play this and a couple other games.
  12. I don't think it would be a 'Yawn' announcement man lol.. it would be a good get for them. It would guarantee that their games are on Xbox at least. FROM would be better obviously though, lol. I feel like they've gotta get some Japanese talent regardless.
  13. Visually it looks great. Your problem is one of the character designs? It must be... because you have no idea about anything else... You know.. important things like how it plays... or whether it's fun or not.
  14. You couldn't tell by the picture he posted?
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