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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lmao that is pretty terrible
  2. Yes.. VII IS a gaming card... And so??? LMFAO.. shut the fuck up man. If Nvidia did this shit people would be freaking I guess nobody cares because NOBODY BOUGHT Radeon VII
  3. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-radeon-vii-reaches-end-of-life Can you imagine if Nvidia released a GPU and then mere months later is discontinued... tech news sites everywhere would be filled with outrage that Nvidia took advantage of people who bought one... Man FUCK the free ride that AMD gets
  4. The best preview of the game yet. Looks like it's going to be pretty wild.
  5. It's AMAZING that people who do this shit for a living are beginning to not be able to tell the difference. What the fuck are you going on about? Especially YOU as a proponent of checkerboard rendering.
  6. That they are guesses. They weren't ever proof. Which is actually why I call into question their results a lot of the time.. especially when other sources get different results and I can compare resolution and framerate to comparable PC results. Kind of like what I did with FarCry 5. I don't believe that game runs native 4K on X1X.. at least not all the time. My reasoning is because when comparing to a comparable spec PC, the only thing that makes sense with the numbers is that it drops res but goes largely unnoticed because of the excellent TAA implementation. But I can't PROVE it. I c
  7. lmao.. no. DF isn't some proof that X game has Y resolution... DF makes educated guesses.. and as people who are more observant for quality and accuracy than most others.. regular people take their words as accurate... but informed people know that they are just that... guesses. They make mistakes... but the point isn't that they are right... it's that they are satisfied.. and if they are satisfied, than most everyone else will be as well. This doesn't call into question any accuracy of their tools... their tools don't analyze the resolution... they count the pixels t
  8. It's true. You can almost see his thought process throughout. This isn't the last time it's going to happen either. The slightest thing will trigger him because like you said.. he thinks everyone is in on it. Now after this shit has gone viral he will probably stew even more in his self loathing and hatred of women.. and other men. Some poor girl/woman is likely going to pay the price for this dudes inability to control himself.
  9. The average person doesn't give a fuck.. who are you trying to kid? The average person doesn't check Digital Foundry The ONLY people who give a fuck, are the people who test, and people like you and me. If we can be fooled... then it doesn't fucking matter.
  10. Nah.. we literally have 4K Forza 7 and Forza Horizon 4 which look identical to Ultra on PC. I even told you at the time you'd use one single setting being lowered a notch as some proof that "see native 4K isn't possible"... 4K is clearly possible, and is hit even more than I was anticipating in all honesty. The people that people rely on measuring resolutions can now be fooled.... meaning.. nobody gives a fuck if it's native or not. Like I said in the post above... you're running the "buubutt it's not native, told ya!" shit. Your argument ONLY had meaning.
  11. Pacifying agent. If you aren't using it, you should. The game really does give you all the tools you need to succeed.. you just have to use them. If not.. you're only making the game harder on yourself.
  12. This is a port of a notoriously unoptimized game. Using it as some kind of confirmation that the other 4K games on Xbox are also probably "fooling" people is reaching harrrrrd. A lot of Xbox One X games have been called to be running at native 4K. If we can't be sure.. then we have to assume it is. And that's certainly more than what you thought it would. I remember you saying shit like only indie games would run at 4K and shit like that. Give the machine it's props dude... I told you way back when that 6TF was enough to hit native 4K in a lot of games. You were a
  13. There was though. At native 1800p the consoles would drop fps. They couldn't hit a steady 60fps target and it got worse when dealing with more effects on screen. 1800cb allowed them to easily hit that target no matter what was happening on the screen. They said they could have used native 1440p.. but thought that they could get more out of the consoles than that.
  14. They're rendering 1/2 the pixels of 1800p and getting an image that looks native. What do you mean why?
  15. Both DF and VGTech said the game was rendering native 1800p on both PRO and X1X, but it's in fact using a custom 1800p checkerboard solution. That's really quite impressive. And it just goes to show that given next gen games, with more post processing effects, and new and improved CB/temporal injection solutions, it will be extremely hard to tell the difference between something rendered natively and checkerboard. Interesting times ahead.
  16. The hardest boss is the 30fps with frametime inconsistencies
  17. Everyone knew there would be backlash to the realism of it. It's not about the direction... it's about "the realistic bland unexpwessiv animalzz"
  18. Cross gen games' wont work for shit on Switch. They're barely worth porting to begin with. Nobody would be buying Switches for new cross-gen ports.. they would be buying them to play their already released Switch games in higher resolution. And that would require work on Nintendo's part to patch them for only a small subset of people. It's completely not worth it imo, and would only take away from the appeal of a better Switch 2. I don't think Nintendo feels the need at all. Not saying that they wont release one.. but I'm simply saying that I prefer they hold out an
  19. Poor guy has definitely had it rough all his life. But fuck him... he's not helping his situation at all either.
  20. Nobody was ever expecting this to be universally praised... People were just itching to hate on the realistic looking visuals. "Waaahhh, why doesn't the realistic looking lion animate as expressively as a Disney cartoon?" Fucking idiots
  21. That's not true. That's not going to help at all. They aren't going to make games that are only playable on the Pro version...so the whole PS5/X2 port thing is moot. Now THAT would be suicide. As I said in my previous post... Nintendo themselves have plenty games/franchises plus Indie games and the odd AA port to make it for the next 2-3 years.
  22. Read what I said again bro. I never said it was Switch 2. What I'm saying is that I'd rather they NOT release a Switch Pro and then shortly after a Switch 2. Like, imagine the visual impact PS5 and X2 would have had if there were no Pro and X1X... That visual fidelity leap would have been insane. That's basically what I want for Switch 2. I don't want a "Switch Pro" to take away from the impact an amazing Switch 2 could have.
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