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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I haven't watched the vid yet obviously, but I just want to say that although I'd definitely buy a PRO model if they release it.. I would actually rather they stick with what they have for a couple more years and then release a brand new highly powerful console. Nintendo could easily get another couple of years out of the Switch. Breath of the Wild 2, Bayo 3, another Mario game... Metroid Prime 4. People wont give a shit what those games look like. They will all look great even 3 years from now.. so I'd rather they hold off.. then release a beastly Switch 2 that's fully backward
  2. Yep. The $200 mark is right where those people settle at. The Switch was just a bit too expensive for that crowd. Now Nintendo will have a new machine which will sell stupid amounts to that crowd (as well as the standard crowd) and the others will have a nice new model Switch with more storage and battery life. Nintendo really played that quite well. Their "handheld market" will now simply be a subset of traditional market with a "Lite" device that comes a bit later which is a bit smaller and cheaper. It makes me wonder what Nintendo is doing next gen. They're appa
  3. Looks pretty good. Maybe not as high budget as Until Dawn, but it's looking better now than the last time I saw it. Hope the story is all kinds of fucked up.
  4. Ok that's fucking sick. Nintendo preying on my nostalgia
  5. I'm not opposed to that idea either. I really never considered watching the Swedish version of the first movie. If the other two are just as good then I'd probably just do that. But at the same time I kind of like the idea of watching the David Fincher version of the first movie and then reading the books after if I like it. I guess my question is.. assuming I was going to just watch the first movie and then read the books if I'm interested, which version would you pick?
  6. Actually, if I like the movie enough I'll read the 3 first books. Been wanting to read a bit more here and there when I can as well.
  7. I'll be ok with it. If I really wanted I could just read the other two books, couldn't I?
  8. How is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?
  9. Great movie. Already seen it though and it's still pretty fresh. Thanks tho.
  10. Jim. Don't do that again in this thread please. Thanks.
  11. Old, recent, whatever. I'm in the mood for something either thriller, or mystery, or drama... but whatever is awesome.
  12. Zelda and Mario are the two best franchises pound for pound in gaming. Period. Both Nintendo, and both old as time itself. Scriptures have literally been written about their brilliance. Both series are consistently the best. That means nobody fucks with them. Zelda is a bit better these days to me than Mario. Mario Odyssey was an incredible game.. but it wasn't as great as Galaxy was imo. I loved it, but I'm not the biggest fan of the hat and clothes changing mechanic, also some of the worlds were kind of jarring compared to the Mario style that we're u
  13. It really is. Story is good. The message behind it is good. The gameplay is essentially perfect. The soundtrack is sublime. What more can you ask for?
  14. This shit ain't for me at all. I'd be interested in a PRO verison... but I'll be damned if this shit doesn't sell fucking ridiculously. It's going to do ridiculous numbers.
  15. Fucking love it. I think this still might be the best Indie OST this gen.. unless I'm forgetting something obvious.
  16. Who's going to be the last one to get off?
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