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Everything posted by Remij

  1. These consoles will be beasts. Literally the last thing I'd be worried about. You'll see Gran Turismo with ray traced reflections and AO, and people wont believe their eyes. They'll be fine. Not to mention.. while RDNA 1.0 doesn't seem to really have any hardware features that GCN doesn't... if the consoles are based on RDNA 2.0, then it's reasonable to expect that they will have Mesh Shaders, support variable rate shading, as well as other fundamental changes to the rendering pipeline which means that they will likely have performance potential not yet being taken advantage of.
  2. Yea I know. I meant hold out on releasing their new driver until after AMD's benchmarks came.
  3. LOL, I knew Nvidia was going to do this. I guarantee Nvidia starts focusing on the games that AMD does best in next. Metro Exodus and The Division 2 Performance Optimizations In each driver release we introduce performance improvements for the games you’re still playing, and those that are about to be released. For our newest driver, NVIDIA’s expert engineers have cooked-up some particularly noteworthy optimizations that increase performance in Metro Exodus, Strange Brigade and The Division 2 by up to 12% on average compared to our previous driver, and by up to 16%
  4. Yeah. Hopefully they can line it up so that it releases right as Nvidia is ready to release Ampere. Then we'll have both with new architectures on essentially the same process node, and we'll be able to judge what's better... and maybe just maybe... AMD will have the goods ready at a time which will actually force Nvidia to lower their prices.
  5. You'll be wondering... right close until the time that Nvidia is ready to release their newest 7nm cards This would have been great... 10 months ago.
  6. Hardware Unboxed are AMD cocksuckers. They, much like you, are just ECSTATIC that there's some new AMD cards out there for them to shill.
  7. 5% better than the 2060 Super at the same price and NO ray tracing... not to mention it's loud and hot as fuck
  8. Why would that be? You've wasted $800 on 2 Vega 56 GPUs and are wasting another $400 on another shit tier GPU.
  9. A great system would be a Ryzen 3700X with a x470 chipset and then put the money you saved from the x470 into a more powerful GPU. The 2060 Super and the 5700XT trade blows depending on the game and resolution. If you like Nvidia, I'd go for the 2060 Super over the base 2060.. unless you can get a good deal on one.
  10. Blower cards suck. Shit runs hot as fuck and sounds like a lawn mower Forza Horizon 4 does stupidly good on AMD cards. Can't front on that. But nobody is playing this shit at 1080p
  11. No buddy... you're the one that's being damn stupid. It's not disingenuous to say that the RTX cards are more future proof than their AMD counterparts. There's lots of performance improvements and implementations in which RT can run perfectly logically fine on mid ranged GPUs. You simply have to not be a complete idiot and have a basic understanding of what the hardware is doing to incur that performance hit. And the fact that you think it's not a selling point for Nvidia but DO see it as a selling point for next gen consoles is what proves to me that you're just damage controlling. lmao
  12. No it's not. They HAD to drop the price more because they knew at $50 less, nobody in their right mind would choose this garbage over Nvidia's GPUs. Are they better than their 20X0 counterparts... sure. They aren't better than their respective 20X0 Super counterparts however. They are cheaper... and have less features. Everyone always expected that to be the case. These cards simply AREN'T enough for AMD... even with the price cuts. And yes, Nvidia will have AiBs which will again destroy these AMD counterparts. These 5700 cards are loud and hot as fuck and for 7nm, they're t
  13. What's being a fanboy about that? That's the simple truth. Why can't I laugh at people who think that this is some AMD comeback shit? AMD should have the performance crown here easily in these segments.. Nvidia's 7nm parts are going to destroy them. Dynamite actually believes that AMD "jebaited" Nvidia.. rofl. That's where this is coming from.
  14. Nvidia AiB vendors will extend the performance lead "AMD dropped the price out of necessity, not some mental 5D chess mental gymnasitcs... and this is something we confirmed speaking with people who work inside of companies that work with AMD... and also AMD." LOL AMD's 7nm GPUs can't even beat 12nm Nvidia GPUs. Nvidia is going to destroy them when their 7nm parts release
  15. AMD playing 4D chess and losing to themselves
  16. $50 less for us per card! Jebaited guiz
  17. You idiots ACTUALLY think Nvidia's super cards are "making up for their past cards" when there was non existent competition They completely spoiled AMD's launch, and now AMD sulkily has to cut the prices further. I love how clear as day it is that AMD knows that nobody will buy their GPUs at Nvidia prices.
  18. Even Nvidia's fucked up launches are better than AMD's year late with less features, worse performance and damage control price cuts before launch Funny thing is.. AMD was set to charge their fans $50 more and they would have gladly done it if Nvidia didn't chin check them. Now they know their GPUs are worse.. so here we are
  19. Exactly. Even with these prices, Nvidia's GPUs are going to out sell them.
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