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Everything posted by Remij

  1. After these guys were talking shit about Crackdown 3's destruction compared to this too Looks like the PRO version could use some cloud computing support
  2. Seems like you're opinion changed right as rumors of Remedy being bought by Sony started making the rounds The game does look low budget though, I agree. Especially coming off of Quantum Break. The characters and animations do seem off. Anyway, I think this is just a bad capture, because we've already seen Control running with RTX at 60fps. @Team 2019 you said this was using a monster rig, but nowhere in the description does it say any of the specs.
  3. Ironically AMD's offerings are more power efficient????? They're fucking 7nm cards compared to 12nm... rofl
  4. It's gonna happen like I said. Man, this gen has been brutal to lemmings.
  5. OK if you say so... but we already know the specs. And Nvidia already posted this on their site And I don't feel remorse for buying shit. ROFL. I buy GPUs all the time..at launch almost every year or every new iteration. I'm not going to get butthurt over a company continuing to put out better products. I expect them to put out products to spoil the competition's launches.
  6. I don't own any of those GPUs
  7. Nvidia competing against themselves
  8. Tech Jesus RTX. IT'S SUPER.
  9. You know shit's changing when Nvidia starts advertising Ryzen CPU combos with their GPUs now.
  10. Remij

    PS4 Pro

    It sold better than both the other console versions, didn't it? That's pretty impressive, considering it released after and is really rough. Just goes to show how much people love portability for these kinds of games.
  11. Real talk, I was going to make this thread yesterday but decided to make the Ryzen thread instead. It's true though.. this forum is even deader than usual. I can honestly say I myself am getting less and less interested by the day. It's just stupid arguments about the same shit all the time. I'd rather talk more about the technologies behind the games and hardware rather than the games themselves. But this forum isn't big on that.. there's really only so much you can say.. and even then it's just "RTX is a flop" ...or some stupid shit like that. I'm honestly tired o
  12. Prediction: Some time after Control releases, Sony will acquire Remedy Entertainment. They will remaster Alan Wake and build up the studio. Alan Wake 2 will be announced and will turn Alan Wake into a huge franchise. Remedy will be cultivated into a top studio by Sony. lol I can see it happening. MS will look like fools who let "another one slip away"...
  13. No shit. I called this ages ago. They're going to be stocking up developers for their own streaming shit. Once the big 3rd parties start doing more and more of their own thing, MS and Sony are going to have to have their own stable of developers constantly releasing new games to keep people subscribed to them specifically.
  14. Meh. I'm it in for the SP. Any MP would be casual for me anyway. I wouldn't really give a fuck. But that's just me obviously.
  15. They're giving everyone all their games for a dollar... rofl. Halo is going to sell really well on PC.
  16. Yea my bad. I put the X on there out of habit lol It should also be stated in the OP that this is in a single application and doesn't necessarily mean this will be the case across all workloads (obviously).. but yea, an extremely impressive showing from AMD regardless.
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