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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I agree. I think MS is gonna run away with this. Also, these guys definitely know something about MS' xCloud service.. so the fact that they're talking like this tells me they've got a good plan coming.
  2. Stadia won't at launch. Stadia base won't be available until next year. Something could beat it's "free streaming" to market.
  3. This thread isn't about the monitor... I already told you. Nobody gives a fuck about it... we give a fuck about a stand costing $1000... and so do the rest of the developers/professionals out there who are literally blasting the fuck out of Apple for it.
  4. Obviously. lmao Console idiots actually think they could stand a chance against top PC players.. it's hilarious
  5. It IS tech.. it has a specially designed mechanism which is apparently meant to justify the price.. The computer is absolutely GARBAGE for the price. UTTER SHIT. There's better monitors out there... but this thread isn't about the monitor.. it's about the stand. Dude.. don't argue with me about tech. Apple is fucking garbage. Straight the fuck up.
  6. It could turn out to be an amazing thing for MS. Maybe a lot of people don't want 4K shit? You try too hard to hate on MS for everything.
  7. Yes, the stand is tech. Apple's selling it separately.. and at such a high price based on the fact that it's got special technology to make it feel weightless and easier to adjust... ROFL dumbstz
  8. LMFAO.. what a waste of 30min. Sony and MS got nothing to worry about rofl
  9. The key is perfectly balanced and actuated so that you can't even tell you're pressing a button!!
  10. Yea... but you idiots obviously just don't shop for expensive things if you think $1000 for a stand sold separately is expensive! /s
  11. Actually though, that makes both Metroid Prime 4 and Animal Crossing as games that both had to be restarted completely. Meaning they are years out. That sucks.
  12. In what fucking way is lockhart gimped? LMAO... you can't answer that... because for one.. we don't know.. and secondly.. all signs point to it simply being a 1080p targeted version of Anaconda. What the fuck is wrong with that?
  13. He doesn't seem to get it
  14. That post was based on something I was misunderstanding. I got better information and now it's not as bad as I thought it was.
  15. $1000 Professional monitor stand, sold separately That audience... of "professionals" audibly gasping when they announced it.... it will never get old. Fucking dumbostz
  16. It's not too early for FROM. Omnipotent confirmed it's happening. He already talked about the game and gave a lot of hints. It's basically going to be FROMs most ambitious game yet.. open interconnected world like Dark Souls, also have "fashion" and tons of weapons... and apparently this is the most lore filled world they've ever created.
  17. "I'm not defending anything!" Goes on to attempt to defend it, again.
  18. It'll never happen, but the cow rape would be vicious.
  19. Remij

    RIP Aza

    xCloud was never going to Playstation
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