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Everything posted by Remij

  1. In what fucking way is lockhart gimped? LMAO... you can't answer that... because for one.. we don't know.. and secondly.. all signs point to it simply being a 1080p targeted version of Anaconda. What the fuck is wrong with that?
  2. He doesn't seem to get it
  3. That post was based on something I was misunderstanding. I got better information and now it's not as bad as I thought it was.
  4. $1000 Professional monitor stand, sold separately That audience... of "professionals" audibly gasping when they announced it.... it will never get old. Fucking dumbostz
  5. It's not too early for FROM. Omnipotent confirmed it's happening. He already talked about the game and gave a lot of hints. It's basically going to be FROMs most ambitious game yet.. open interconnected world like Dark Souls, also have "fashion" and tons of weapons... and apparently this is the most lore filled world they've ever created.
  6. "I'm not defending anything!" Goes on to attempt to defend it, again.
  7. It'll never happen, but the cow rape would be vicious.
  8. Remij

    RIP Aza

    xCloud was never going to Playstation
  9. I kinda forgot that we're just days away from FF7 Remake info (they've gotta show Tifa finally) as well as FROMSOFT's next game... like fuck
  10. Nah. Each instance would be guaranteed a certain amount of resources as a bare minimum. In this case that 2.7ghz CPU and 10.7TF gpu with 16GB RAM. That's essentially what they are guaranteeing to developers. If a game is super popular, they would have to scale up their datacenters and add more servers. That said.. for games that really don't require much resources, they will likely be able to scale down as well and run more instances of a single server.
  11. They have datacenters full of servers. Each server will have multiple GPUs and CPUs and will be able to handle multiple instances of a game and dedicate a certain amount of resources to it. They can scale and distribute the amount of GPU resources an application/user has access to based on it's requirements. I'm honestly not really sure exactly how much it can scale.. although they said up to 3 instances I believe. I think Lynux makes a good point about really how developers would really be able to scale up and in what ways. They showed a demo where one gpu was rendering the ge
  12. Yea I agree, fair points. I wonder how easy they've made it for developers to port games and take advantage of the abilities to scale the hardware? Surely they've taken this into account. Anyway, it's a really good thing for Linux and Vulkan though. Vulkan has been gaining traction lately and this will undoubtedly help with adoption. Apparently a lot of the games will either be on PC as well, or after the fact.. meaning that we could see more games either designed around Vulkan, or with a Vulkan path. A lot of unknowns.
  13. They're looking to be all of that. Their hardware can scale across multiple gpus. That 10.7 can easily become 21.4TF for example. There shouldn't be a problem with game performance... but streaming performance is another issue.
  14. You're a god damn fucking moron. Go back to whatever it was you were doing before you decided to come back here and defend a $1000 stand for a $5000 monitor that doesn't come with one... Fucking clown
  15. Not to mention ... that it doesn't matter... because you're getting garbage tech for the price... I then SPECIFICALLY laugh at you for mentioning that it's about being targeted at professionals. You really are fucking clueless, aren't you?
  16. I stated in that same post that it doesn't matter what it was. You're defending a $1000 stand... the jokes on you
  17. I never said the product wasn't aimed for professionals... It's aimed at anyone that will buy it. And I already completely demolished this shitty attempt at deflecting by telling you it doesn't matter who they are targeting. LMFAO defending a $1000 stand because you think it's a "professional" stand... you fucking goofy clown
  18. What the fuck does that have to do with what I said? Regardless of whether your targeting the rich.. developers.. or consumers, the hardware you're getting isn't worth that.... which is what we're ACTUALLY laughing at.. You trying to "justify" the price because they are simply targeting people who CAN pay those prices it laughable
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