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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Terrible abomination of a game.
  2. Nobody gives a shit about their Xbox One console circumstances... not even MS. They're looking towards the next gen... you can tell where their focus is at this point. None of that shit matters now... what they have to do is have their teams lined up and ready to release games at a good cadence right from the get go next gen. They'll have Halo, and then a Forza will come shortly after. Then maybe the Initiative and Playground games' RPG hits.. then so on. Hit the right price. That's all that matters. Xbox One is done... It's just gamepass to bide
  3. MS should really do anything possible with Scarlett to hit the $399 price. If they hit that while Sony's machine comes in at $499, then MS could make some huge inroads. The visual differences wouldn't be THAT staggering. One machine likely wouldn't do anything the other couldn't (minus ray tracing performance).. Hitting that price, with Gamepass and good games would help tremendously. They basically have to hit the ground running and not stumble. Halo at launch will help. Gamepass deals and bundles will help. But they really need these other studios to follow up with decent shit and ke
  4. MS just has to make great games. That's all. If they do that, the console peeps will buy the console and the PC guys will buy the games, and some mobile folk will stream with xCloud. That's literally all they have to do. Sales will come from wherever as long as they start making good content people want to buy. Aza, Sony won't let gamepass on their console, nor will they allow MS to release their $60 games there. They've out right said there is no possible way for it to happen. They aren't about to let MS have essentially the ENTIRE gaming market while they only have their co
  5. Sucks to be him.. and you.. and Dynamite
  6. Talking about the Switch emulator version dummy... the CEMU version runs at over 100fps and shits all over the Switch console version
  7. Nintendo, take your time with BOTW2... that Switch emulator is going to be advancing like a motherfucker now.. I bet BOTW will be running pretty damn good within a year from now
  8. And Sony's still got big games coming for it. The system is simply more valuable at this point. Straight up.. Sony could still have 3 of the biggest releases EVER for their console (as in sales numbers) yet to release. Those games will all drive sales hard. Death Stranding FF7 TLOU2 all within a year of each other... Like are you fucking kidding me? Death Stranding kicks off the sales hard at the end of this year.. then FF7 comes early next near, then spring/summer TLOU2 drops... then they have the mother fucking PS5 coming. Wel
  9. Yea I have that too. It's nice as well.. but it's no Journey.
  10. Nah... they've got services and they have to have their own console platform out there to support it. At the end of the day... Phil's right when he says it's not about the number of consoles sold. I mean, obviously selling consoles is important.. but console sales will only tell part of the story. There's gonna be PC and Streaming as well.. so as long as they can start hitting the goals they set for themselves, then the console number doesn't really matter as much on it's own. Obviously they'd want the console numbers to be high and announce those numbers so that it builds up m
  11. I got it for $5 on PC during the Epic Games sale and holy shit... the game is just phenomenal. Everything about it is top notch. Looks so beautiful at 120fps. Silky smooth. The fucking music too... makes me
  12. If Sony release at $499, MS should just go for the throat and release at $399 and take the loss. That's the only way that they could essentially stun people and hope to turn some of them.
  13. They were. They've sold more consoles now than they did before.
  14. Is the Xbox One as low of a low for Xbox as the WiiU was for Nintendo? Has it reached that point yet?
  15. No bless YOU. I hope one day you find peace and find something to play games on that you're happy with.
  16. It's honestly a 9/10 game. I mean 8 is fine.. but I think the game deserves a 9 straight up.
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