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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I doubt it. Also, E3 won't continue to be the biggest advertising show of the year anymore. Gamescom is huge, as well as all these other events that companies have now. It's less important now than before. MS will have the same deals that they would have gotten regardless.. there's only so much they can show within a certain time frame. And 3rd parties will find other ways to advertise their games during E3 week. I think from now on, E3 becomes less important, and companies advertise their games at specific events for each platform... where they are guaranteed more visibility
  2. I'm not conflating anything. Jesus christ dude.. There's a REAL measurable, as well as perceptible difference in going from 60 to 120fps on PC. End of fucking story. On consoles, the perception is diminished because the input devices are less precise. Get a fucking clue dude.
  3. I'm telling you there's a perceptible improvement in responsiveness and visual smoothness.. I can feel it myself. I can go on for days posting testimonials.. Funny thing is... if this was an Xbox slide posting some retarded Xbox stat, you'd claim it was gods word.
  4. No.. it's also perceptible going from 60 to 100+fps. There's a perceptible improvement. Of course it suits certain games better than others... nobody is arguing that.. but the feeling and visual improvement is there. The immediate feeling of improved response is extremely noticeable. Especially so when you try to go back after the fact. Is it as important on a console where the input method is a controller? No of course not.. because current controllers are inherently inaccurate input methods. All I'm saying is on PC, 100+ fps make
  5. The immediate response to movement is there because you're getting 2x the cycles. 120 frames every second compared to 60. From the instant you input a command, the next cycle is updated and visually represented to you. It FEELS more responsive because there's 2x the cycles. You're getting more instant visual feedback and smoother visual feedback. And it's extremely noticeable from 60 to 120+. Is it as noticeable as 30 to 60? No, of course not... but it's absolutely there. And I actually AM talking about input methods... and the resulting fact that improved response above 60fps doesn't
  6. I'm not contradicting my own logic. I'm saying feeling of responsiveness with the increase in FPS above 60 on consoles is largely lost due to the fact that you're dealing with controllers.. which are inherently less responsive input devices. They also react and respond completely differently based on each game requirements. Each game is fine tuned with a myriad of settings which change the curves, accelerations, and dead zones... not to mention auto aim and other methods of helping mitigate the inaccuracy of controllers. Above 60fps, you're still contending with a shitty input method.. it'
  7. rofl.. dude.. yes. it. can! If consoles consistently output games at 60fps for years, and then some game comes and was 30fps only... people would TRASH it. It wouldn't be acceptable. Once 60 becomes the norm... then anything less is BAD. On PC.. playing pretty much ANY game... I can feel the difference between 60 and 100+ fps. It's easily noticeable in both responsiveness and smoothness. After playing lots of games at 90-100+ fps, 60 feels worse. That's just a fact. But when games are visually raising the bar... it's a valid trade off as 60fps still feels responsive and smoo
  8. Yea, with regards to the visual quality vs performance payoff. The human eye can only see so much detail and persistence in motion. 4K is very noticeable improvement over 1080p. After 4K with high quality TAA, you're wasting visual improvement at the expense of performance. Performance is always paramount.
  9. Not sure how that could happen. Anyway, they've been in contact with all the major platform holders and are working with them right now.. and they said they've been very interested in it. Most of them have APIs meant for this exact thing. I remember saying this before, but I'll say it again. With the way things are going.. and more 3rd party devs doing their own thing, this will become standard. Eventually, all of these clients will have APIs built so that any other client can interface with the other. I can see all of the major clients implementing these features o
  10. People used to say we didn't need more that 1080p too... Cmon dude, your argument has holes everywhere.
  11. Uh, what? ROFL. You think I don't think 60fps is acceptable? Stop being a fucking idiot dude. The simple fact is this. At one time 1080p was acceptable and amazing, wasn't it? Now 1080p seems ugly and low res. With fpsl, it's the same thing. As GPUs get better, that 60fps RTX will eventually turn into 100fps. PC doesn't stand still. The better the hardware you buy, the better the experience in all games. If I have a 144hz monitor.. of course games that run 100+fps are better than the same fucking game running at 60fps... duh... If a new game comes out and runs at 60fps with the abs
  12. Consolidates ALL of your games libraries, friends lists, chats, activity feeds, into one client. It will show all your games on all your accounts, and is highly customizable. You can install and launch any game from any PC client, including Steam, Battlenet, Uplay, Epic Game Store, Origin, Bethesda, Windows Store, obviously GoG... as well as consoles. Yes, you can even add your console platforms and cross chat. So I could add my PSN account and chat with friends that are playing on their PS4s. Fucking awesome.
  13. Unfortunately for you, that's a completely valid goalpost. 60fps gaming doesn't even compare anywhere close to 100+ fps.
  14. Guy got questioned by someone in the know and couldn't answer anything.. tried to play it off as if he wasn't a programmer and wouldn't know. Then he promptly deleted his account after
  15. There is a point. The point is not to own a bunch of fucking stupid consoles
  16. Just wait 1.5 more years.... for them to begin to release... another year after that for games to start really taking advantage of them PCs will move far beyond that shit
  17. That would be fucking amazing.. if nothing else for simply coming out of left field. Imagine if that had something to do with Nvidia's tease of something "super" coming. But yea, not happening.. It would definitely shock us all. But I think if it were true, we would have heard rumblings by now.
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