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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I don't understand why you feel I'm arguing about it lmao. I'm not trying to change your mind dude.
  2. Of course. But really disappointing as a fan of Zelda.
  3. Go ahead and find some in game pics of the same character. I looked.. they're nowhere to be found. And as if being a screen grab makes any difference... you can CLEARLY tell the difference between quality. Thinking you could pull some shit
  4. Actually, with this game, they could have. They dropped the ball. $60 please
  5. Terrible. The music sucks The screen doesn't scroll like the original FPS drops hard $60 No thanks
  6. You'd think they would have learned that lesson from Halo 5... Don't develop games assuming that players have read, or will read novels that are meant to bridge the gap
  7. What Aza would have you believe.... What the reality is
  8. Then reality smacks you in the face... LMAO posting character renders.. Notice how he didn't post any ingame cutscene stuff? Give me a fucking break you guys.
  9. Better support than any console out there... AND any AMD gpu... including the ones they have yet to release this year
  10. You talk about lockhart being dead.. but what about Sony initially intending to launch the PS5 in 2019, but then cancelled? I'm assuming they must have got wind that MS' system was going to destroy it so they delayed it and wen't back to the drawing board.
  11. Really? I could have sworn that Nvidia has $350 gpus that have hardware support of it?
  12. It's not a graphical feature. It's a rendering technique, and none of you know anything about it. Which explains why you're all so damned ignorant
  13. Jesus christ the way you guys try to build and support your little theories is completely ridiculous I guess we can say that AMD's future in CPUs is completely uncertain since Jim Keller left and went to Intel.... You guys are so fucking dumb
  14. Why bother explaining it to you... if you've ignored all my threads about it?
  15. Keep ignoring them. Nintendo wont support it anytime soon
  16. I'll play it today I think... with raytraced AO
  17. They don't though... They can use DXR all they want without Nvidia. They're simply "partnering" because it's free publicity.
  18. No.. it's not an opinion.. it's a fact that AMD does not have a card more powerful than Nvidia's 2080ti or Titan RTX. Get a fucking clue dude. There's not a single fucking game Vulkan or not, that AMD's Radeon 7 card wins in over the 2080ti. NOT A SINGLE ONE. And if you're going to post that stupid WWZ zombie game where AMD won using Vulkan at 1080p, that shit's old because right after that Nvidia released a new driver that improved performance in that game by over 20% and other Vulkan games as well. It's not an opinion.. it's a FACT. Nvidia has the single best perf
  19. https://www.overclock3d.net/news/software/ray_tracing_is_coming_to_doom_eternal_-_we_ll_do_it_better_than_anybody/1 And anotha one
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