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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Respect to the guy that's willing to throw his big dick money around like this. They serious about it "If you buy all of them, they will come"
  2. All old multiplat shit... and 3 games that we haven't seen a single slice of gameplay for. Literally title screens for all of them Get some NEW games scrub
  3. Quite a few people are beginning to fold though.. that's for sure
  4. I can't wait until Valve decides that they have to start securing some exclusive content that isn't asset flip and indie shit. And I'm predicting another ban on ERA incoming soon
  5. Dino Crisis... duh. Glad they waited until Next gen.. cause it'll look even better than RE2 and DMC5
  6. They aren't big enough to ever become a viable alternative to Steam. The only one that is is EPIC. That's not to say they can't be a successful store on the platform.. CyberPunk would help facilitate that.. and I think they SHOULD make it exclusive to GoG for 6 months. Get these idiots used to the idea of games not being on Steam and that it's going to happen more and more in the future.
  7. Vid was taken down and wasn't supposed to go up until tomorrow. lol
  8. Such a cool little system.. but they are completely squandering it's potential. We should have had our entire NES/SNES/GB/N64 libraries on there already.. with GCN and Wii games being remastered at a proper cadence to fill in new releases and big first party games
  9. I'm hoping eventually they'll get to the size where you'll not bother reading them and spare the rest of us your lame posts after the fact
  10. I think I'm pretty normal. I'm married and have a beautiful daughter
  11. Awesome game. Port looks solid. Interested in seeing some direct feed screens, and how it will look in portable mode. One of the best looking games this gen imo. Senua's model is crazy detailed.
  12. She's very good. The subtle trembling really sells it. And just being able to keep a straight face throughout it with Fallon potentially blowing it at any time takes talent.
  13. I'm getting greys on the bottom sides of my goatee, and around the temples.
  14. Yea I mean, I always figured these keys would do that eventually. They have a very small activation force as they are designed to be quick (obviously) but it was good in the beginning, but now it's getting worse, so I think they are just wearing out. I've tried Reds and Blues, and now the Speeds. Never tried Browns or Blacks, so we'll have to see. The MX730 can come with Reds, Blues, and Browns.. so maybe I'll try the Browns.
  15. I currently have a Corsair K70 Rapidfire with the Cherry MX Speed Switches. I really liked it at first, but it's starting to double tap now and it's getting annoying.
  16. There's never enough times to buy FF7 again
  17. Yea. The portable factor alone makes it the version to get if you don't already have it on PSP or Vita.
  18. It IS a joke. And it's making a joke of it. That was hilarious
  19. I'm going to play through this masterpiece again on PC. The only mod I'm going to use is one that only adds more detail to the battle stages and leaves everything else alone. All the battle stages have been re-textured like this. I hate the retarded mods that change the character models to be more realistic and try to add shit that simply shouldn't be there. rofl Apparently some mods can work on the Switch version as well, and although this mod is currently too large (filesize-wise) the creator may lower the res a bit and make a more compressed version (p
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