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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I said developers will develop one version of their games in the future.... not that they wouldn't port games that are already in development from other platforms in the here and now, you doofus Did you think that in a thread titled "Stadia begins an inevitable shift away from consoles" that they are expecting consoles to remain a thing in the future? Use your god damn head a little bit
  2. You sound desperate to find a way to skirt around being wrong
  3. All you need to do is stop predicting and speaking about things you don't know about. Oops, there goes your entire posting privileges
  4. You got fucked What an embarrassment Dynafraud
  5. When I posted about Unreal Engine's new physics demo, and he was harping on me that it was a "real-time pre-computed render" then I told him no... it wasn't. And then he proceeded to make himself look like more of an idiot. The demo is timestamped... the guy is playing it with Vive controllers right in front of the entire audience Deeno raped again The ray tracing argument is coming back in similar fashion as well... as soon as AMD updates their drivers
  6. No idea how you became so retarded.. you're right. Every post you make we get a little more insight
  7. Yes.. you keep trying... and failing. When are you going to learn? You've literally been the butt of everyone's joke here for the last.. forever. You literally ran away because you were getting picked on
  8. You're retarded. You simply can't handle people talking good about things you're not interested in... so you try to tear them down. I knew you were going to pull this shit when this game launched. You already wrote it off as a Souls game... I knew you'd be an idiot about this shit since you claimed that Bloodborne wasn't a different IP than Dark Souls... You're straight up dumb as fuck. Doesn't matter though... the game reviewed amazingly.. people are loving the fuck out of the game... and most importantly.. I'm loving the game. Get fucked.
  9. No it not ROFL... there's way more ways to approach any given situation than any fucking Souls game. This is why you're an idiot for having preconceived notions that this was Dark Souls... you simply can't accept that FROM would make any other kind of game now.. after making 5 similar style games.. and you think that not being an RPG and having armor makes it one dimensional... utterly ridiculous.
  10. This isn't a souls game fuckhead.. how many times do you have to be told? It's like... you have some preconceived notion as to what the game should be... instead of what it is. Despite being told MANY times this isn't a Souls game. Those people..are getting bored.... because they're dying.. A LOT.. and boo fucking hoo
  11. No Sekiro No RE2 No DMC5 No Division 2 No Anthem No DOA6 No AC7 No LiS2 No KH3 No God Eater 3 No Far Cry New Dawn No Dirt Rally So far...
  12. https://www.spieltimes.com/news/sekiro-shadows-die-twice-has-become-the-largest-steam-launch-of-2019-so-far/ -Highest concurrent players (~110,000) for a Japanese game... and a single player game at that... behind only Monster Hunter World (which is MP and still demolishes it at well over 300K lol) -Top of the Steam Global Sales charts for over a week now, top of the Local Top Sales charts as well -Top of the overall Amazon Games sales charts as well, by a large margin -Top PS4 game sales, #2 on Xbox game sales RE2 had an all time peak of 74K concurrent p
  13. It's shitty. And if you have to use super glue to "fix it"... then you're already "fucking up" your controller. Shitty adhesive, shitty idea. Spending $200 and dealing with shitty rubber grips that peel off after 6-12 months (conveniently after their warranty expires)... If they're going to use rubber, these premium controllers should have 2 year warranties where they send you a brand new one if you have any issues regarding it. Textured high quality plastic is better.
  14. LMAO dude... stop making excuses.. You just said super glue works... Why are they using shitty adhesive? Better yet... WHY USE RUBBER FUCKING GRIPS THAT WILL PEEL OFF?? Glad this controller doesn't
  15. It's not overblown. It's happened to mine, and other people who I know irl. Spending that kind of money on a controller... you shouldn't have to superglue anything...
  16. Yea I've heard they're pretty good. Also, I'm extremely hopeful, because at first I thought the hand grips were rubber on the back, but they're actually textured plastic.. which means that there's no adhesive to loosen and rubber to peel off Looking at the shape and ergonomics, it looks like a solid mix between the Switch Pro controller shape, and Xbox One controllers. $270 CAD though.. This is the RTX of controllers
  17. Not even going to lie... this looks sick as fuck. And it's for PC as well. I'm probably going to pick one of these up. Hopefully the build quality lasts
  18. This is different because these are base consoles. I agree that 4GB of RAM probably isn't going to make any difference... but 8GB of RAM would. Some devs would not be pleased with that... and many games would suffer. RAM will be especially important next gen. That CPU deserves a nice chunk of memory to create new experiences not possible before. Memory is the most important aspect to get right. And you're wrong in your assumption that MS is going to do X based off what Sony is doing... They're doing their own thing for what they think they need for the next generation.
  19. Nah. I'd like to think that Sony's learned their lesson from what could happen by being stingy with RAM.. considering they almost blew the PS4 generation with regards to it. It's entirely possible they could have 20-24GB total RAM..for PS5 in either 16+4, or 20+4 configurations. I'm getting more and more certain that there will be separate memory pools for OS and games. So that's what I think they will do. The worst thing for Sony would be to have 16GB of RAM and then MS comes with 24GB and eats the cost. Considering that they'll probably launch really close together. If Sony
  20. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2019/03/22/state-of-play-playstations-new-video-showcase-debuts-monday/ So basically Sony's version of Inside Xbox lol. Zhuge from ResetERA said don't expect much. :/
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