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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Pfft.. Ori and the Will of the Wisps will be one of the top 3 games released this year... don't forget that one.
  2. We can just use this thread, and any substantial leaks can be added to the OP. That should do.
  3. Anything that is posted and sourced from a known insider or media outlet should definitely follow this, as well as any posts made in any thread.
  4. I heard that Brad Sams (the MS insider guy) is apparently going to make a video about E3 stuff very soon. I hope that fuck doesn't spoil their surprises.
  5. I hope that nothing leaks that fans wouldn't or haven't already guessed. We need some genuine surprises. I think it's fair to say that we could all guess that MS will have this and this, and Nintendo will have that and that... But we need some good out of left field announcements. I think we'll get some.
  6. Dino's are popular.. and a cool gritty realistic looking Dino Crisis remake would do well enough. They're really stretching what they can get out of this engine and reusing assets and such.. A DC game on this engine isn't going to cost them the bank.. it would most certainly succeed. Even though it's RE-like... I think they need something to break up the REmakes and RE8. What I'd really love to see from Capcom is a revival of Breath of Fire
  7. Apparently Gamestop had just put up a E3 collectors edition "Sam Fisher Goggles" up on their site and then immediately removed them. I think it's safe to say a Splinter Cell game is coming lol.
  8. I wont breh, I wont. There's no way Dino Crisis isn't happening. Believe.
  9. ~50 million people paying x dollars per month... dude... are you insane? That would be a huge success.
  10. I expect it to chip away at the console gaming market. People who wait years to buy a console at a cheaper price and wait until games go on a hard sale. Parents of kids who already have phones and instead of buying them a console, they subscribe to the service. There will be people all over that use it specifically to play a game here or there, or to even test games before they buy them potentially.. Maybe they buy a single console and sub to the others instead of buying all 3? Again, I don't expect it to change over night.. I expect it to eventually get good enoug
  11. Kind of interesting... but it's still Watch Dogs.. This series should have been so awesome, but they blew it. Oh well.. I'll give it a fair chance.
  12. Dude, I talk about things as being the future, because that's obviously where the technology goes. Sure I can talk about the generation after this coming gen... what the fuck ever. The fact of the matter is that it WILL happen. You yourself know this.. You're the one who's deathly scared of that future and will dream up any argument you can against it or delay accepting it. I don't want shit to be streaming only... but I'm simply being realistic about where the future is heading.. regardless of how fast it gets there. When we're 45-50... we're not the target audience for thes
  13. Not my fault any time someone talks about the future you interpret that to mean by the next generation... or instantly..
  14. I never said they would make a digital only PS4... and most certainly not in 2013/14 Also, I said you should kiss game collecting goodbye in the future... I didn't state specifically with PS5. And you should
  15. Me too. I'm done with it. PC and probably one console. Which makes the choice pretty obvious. I don't want all this shit again. PS4 was a huge waste for the first 2-3 years..
  16. No I never did. Why would I speak about digital only PS4's in 2013/14? We already knew the PS4 would have a disc drive. You're probably fucking up shit that I've said about Xbox being always online being future looking... You're talking out your fucking ass man. The only arguments we've had are regarding gens and disc-less or digital has been from this gen on.. and even then I never said the next gen would be digital only... That's complete fucking bullshit.
  17. It wouldn't be the first time you've talked massive shit about something and then went ahead and bought it. (an $800 Dell rofl) Then you'll hate it... say that you never use it and want to get rid of it.. and then you'll claim that your opinion on it matters because you had one and know first hand
  18. What? You're completely talking out of your fucking ass. God damn you have no fucking shame
  19. The hardware is roughly the same cost as a PRO and X together... and you literally get most of the best games. And on PC you have the choice... 4K 30.. 1440p 60.. 1080p 90.. whatever. There's plenty of reasons.
  20. Running games at console settings shows you just how far ahead PC hardware really is in some cases. The settings above that like Ultra and shit are completely wasted vs the performance cost. If next gen console games focused on just pushing up and multiplying the factors of effects like how PC "ultra" settings do.. then they'll perform like shit and the games wouldn't look that much better. We'll get better effects and everything.. because the games will be designed around them.. not simply because they'll multiply the factors of them. You can get a PRO/X1X
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