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Everything posted by Remij

  1. For a while, of course. Probably this gen and the next. But after that... nah, I don't see Sony or Nintendo, and especially not MS making dedicated consoles. Just look at where they are all going. Cross play, Cross buy, cross this, cross that. Streaming services.. here use my controller, oh you.. no use mine They're all gonna get in bed with each other and instead of investing in hardware they are going to invest in studios and diversifying their content so that they can sell it everywhere.
  2. It will though... because they will make more money converting people from buying consoles and games... to subscribing to services.. As more people begin to stream games... the less those companies will invest in dedicated hardware. That's wasted money... because they don't really make that much in terms of their business off the hardware. The 3ds and phones had fundamentally different games designed around their specific devices and userbases. The idea is that the device wont matter anymore. Sony is already investing in this... and Nintendo is apparently in talks with MS as we
  3. Oh ok. Well that's not so bad in small amounts. That's like normal bachelor shit.
  4. Bottles of piss? Dude.. I mean, we all hit our low points.. but fuck man.. not getting up and going to the washroom? Nah man.. nah.
  5. It's because that's what the tech enables... that's what it does to disrupt well established industries... cmon man rofl... The simple fact that you're only thinking about Xbox here gives away your intentions with regards to this subject. You're not interesting in talking about streaming and the future... you're interested in talking down Xbox and MS.. Get outta here with that lame shit.
  6. I guess console fags are just as disgusting if they want to be. Fucking people living in their own filth
  7. Probably wasn't that he was unable, just that he didn't want to leave his World of Warcraft character Can you fucking imagine the smell that must be coming from that room? The mold and shit.. yuck
  8. rofl Still completely fucked You didn't have piss bags and socks full of shit, did you?
  9. Acting like xCloud isn't getting in front of the next gaming trend... lmao.. Are you serious? ROFL.. Nobody wants traditional console gaming to fail... You simply have to face reality man. Look at movies... look at music.. look at TV... dedicated physical mediums to play them are going the way of the dodo.. You can stream them anywhere on any device. They don't need to bring in new gamers. They've actually talked about penetrating the market of gamers that's already there..moving them to a subscription service is more important than getting even more people gaming
  10. The sweat between his tits from moving a little bit to clean Using a grabber thing because he's too fat to bend over and pick stuff up.. omfg Hermit's are dead.
  11. https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/twitch-streamer-reveals-room-hasnt-cleaned-since-2005-683771 He's doing a livestream of him cleaning it up... OMFG Can you imagine how that place must smell? Like What the absolute FUCK?! He has bags of urine and feces because he couldn't leave his room to go to the washroom? WTF! When asked how he let it get like that... he blamed it on World of Warcraft... Fucking Herm:Scust:
  12. All he'll do from now on is purposefully misconstrue what I'm saying, and then build his stupid retarded arguments off of it and then try to act like he's won the argument.. That's exactly what butthurt motherfuckers do. That's how you know they are butthurt. He's not fooling anyone. bu but REmz iz sayun da Apllz da failurz
  13. You can't even follow along properly. Do yourself a favor and stop trying. And you ARE begging for xCloud.. you want that service on Switch so bad so you can own the lemmings it's palpable. Who the FUCK do you think you're trying to fool?
  14. The type of arguments Gouko is bringing up.. are the types of arguments that butthurt motherfuckers will try to bring to everything you say. I must have said something really hurtful to now have Gouko on my dick trying to build strawmans and conflate everything I say. Guaranteed he'll be chiming in any chance he can in the future to make a fucking argument out of nothing
  15. They wouldn't have to build even nearly to that scale to compete in game streaming.. let's be honest... They're a gaming focused company.. at least for the moment. The thing is.. it would take TIME... and when you have competitors like Amazon, Google, and MS... time really isn't on your side. You have to act fast or you get left behind.
  16. You really ARE dumb as fuck man. You convinced me for all this time that you weren't... but now I see that you are. Damn.. this is actually disappointing.
  17. You really didn't. You quoted me owning you.. You're literally begging for it.
  18. When you realize that you're bringing nothing and the only thing you can think to say is that I'm owning myself. I agree that the chances of me owning myself are higher than you owning me rofl Dumbosan.. think a little bit
  19. Of course. However, pitching for business doesn't mean begging for it. Sony is also assuredly shopping around. Gouko makes it sound like MS is desperate with xcloud... lmao give me a break. Switch's userbase is fuck all compared to the real target.. which is mobile and tablet devices.
  20. You are begging for it ROFL You want that lemming ownage so bad.. rofl. Nintendo cares about it much less than YOU do at this point
  21. LMAO this the guy that can't separate consumer facing services from services for other businesses MS' offering xcloud (xbox game streaming) to other consoles, has nothing to do with MS offering streaming capability to them.. MS aren't begging for anything.. rofl
  22. No shit... This shit happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.. companies depend on each other but that doesn't stop them from making business hard for the other. These 3 companies alone have the ability to do a lot of damage to Sony's aspirations in streaming. But of course they aren't going to do that... they'll want their partners to be successful and expand their operations using their services... no fucking shit.. What I'm saying is at the end of the day MS and Google and Amazon themselves are profiting from this... where Sony has to give them money.. which changes the dynamic of their stre
  23. xCloud and Azure services aren't the same thing... Gouko talking about xCloud begging to be on other devices is just stupid and not relevant... but he thinks it is
  24. Oh yea? They're begging? Dumb forum idiot can't separate his fanboy shit from reality.
  25. You're missing the big point here... That is that streaming games is but one aspect of their future business. It's understood that it IS the future of gaming. Google and MS and Amazon already have the infrastructure. If they wanted to lock Sony out of it.. Sony would have NO CHOICE but to spend that money and build their own..which would never compete.. or they are forced to cooperate and remain dependent. The reason why MS and now Google and Amazon are getting in on this is because (and I said this fucking ages ago on SS.net) that they are pushing ahead gaming into areas which
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