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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I never said they weren't.... wtf? In fact.. I specifically said that Sony has advantages which Google doesn't when it comes to their services with regards to streaming games. They have IP and they have the most established gaming brand.
  2. It could... those services aren't free... and those same companies are venturing into the same service themselves. It's a big gamble that Sony will have to take.
  3. Says the guy who is either stupid as fuck or purposefully misunderstands things to build strawmans bu but applez da failur Fucking Gouko Run along and play your little Switch begging for MS to stream xcloud to Nintendo.
  4. And yet one company has the ability and infrastructure to do it on their own, bolstering their own business in the process.. and the other relies on paying others to give them that ability. The main thing you pointed out... is that Sony has to choose another service to compete... not their own.
  5. In many ways it is. They haven't "failed" as in gone out of business... but they've had many failures. That's how they grow. God you're fucking clueless
  6. Exactly. There's ways around requiring a controller. They're going to make it as easy as possible for anyone to try it, as well as any gamer to use any equipment they already have to facilitate it. PS4/XO controllers Touch controls 3rd party controllers PS4/XO consoles to subscribe and stream from Built into TVs Apps on Phones and tablets PC web browsers Keyboard/Mouse They're going to make it playable on anything... eventually.
  7. They're designing ways around that. And buying any $60 controller that will work isn't nearly the same as buying an entire console and games separately. Also, they could sell subscriptions with controllers in store. lol
  8. They are targeting gamers themselves... The older gamers that don't care to spend money on extra devices.. having consoles lying around all over the place. They are targeting parents with kids who have and play games on their phones.. You give the ability for kids to play console games on their phones and they'll care less and less about having or asking for a console. It's about targeting gamers, or anyone who's looking for a more convenient way to game across all of their devices. What they are ultimately doing... is chipping away at anyone and everyone getting them onboard...
  9. The difference now being that you can play the latest and greatest AAA game on any device... instead of some mobile shit game..
  10. Phil specifically said "consoles" though. Anyway.. it doesn't matter. If they have a 1080p console and a 4K console.. they both with be balanced to offer the same gameplay experience with the only difference likely being resolution. It's a non issue imo. It won't hinder next gen games in any way.
  11. Did I say something that wasn't true? Did I say Netflix failed? Did I say Apple failed? I never said Sony depending on other companies makes would them a failure... In fact... I never said ANY of these companies was a failure. I can't tell if you're just stupid and misunderstood, or are purposefully being stupid just to argue... Oh wait.. I can tell. You've been doing the same acting like a bitch for a while now.
  12. Not really. Sony has IP... That's always been their strength. The ability for PS owners to tell their friends that don't game that they could try some games on PS Now before buying a system or whatever can't be understated. Especially when PSNow would allow those users to play with their friends. It completely depends on what they are offering and at what price point though. Even people who don't really game that much know of Sony games and IPs.. This is also why Sony is probably branching out with their Playstation Movie production studio and shit like that.. in an attempt t
  13. Eh, I mean sure.. But nobody is already banking on it.. we're just idiots on game forums making predictions that hold no weight. I mean, for all we know, "consoles" in this case could be the launch console and mid gen refresh.. Regardless.. it wouldn't be any fun if we all just assumed that anything was possible. You gotta make dem bets.
  14. It seems pretty secure that MS will be offering 2 consoles. Phil literally saying consoles... There literally being two codenames. There's too many people saying the same things regarding that.
  15. I never said they were a failure... Lynux did. I said in many ways they have failed.. Completely different. If you're too stupid to understand that it's not my fault
  16. Netflix fails at a lot of things. In many ways it IS a failure. But that's not what I said. I said Sony is dependent on others completely.. which is true. Even if they provide the best service.. they will always be dependent on others for it.
  17. They're heavily invested, and not going anywhere. Sony is piss in the wind dude. You're delusional.
  18. Because Google has their own cloud platform and infrastructure... Sony is left out in the cold because they are COMPLETELY dependent on others... It's pretty simple dude... I told you this shit last time, and now we have Sony partnering with MS using Azure
  19. Last I checked, I made the thread... so yes, I did. I also read your idiotic post in which you state that "even MS announcing their games for PS4 wouldn't be a surprise..... even though it's not happening" Like... do you even listen to yourself Durr, I couldn't imagine MS having any surprises... only Sony and Nintendo can surprise people
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