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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Anything can happen these days. I wouldn't be 100% blindsided by anything really.. but still shocked to some degree.
  2. That would be crazy.. but I still doubt that too. Regardless.. the shock from either of those two being wholly owned by MS would be crazy. I think a lot of fans would be hurt. lmao Who the fuck knows though. Probably just some smaller western developers.
  3. FROMSOFTWARE They need more Japanese games. I would shit my pants
  4. https://gematsu.com/2019/06/dragon-quest-walk-announced-for-smartphones-dragon-quest-xii-preparations-underway It's still going to be years before we see anything meaningful... even though in the article he says to wait "a little while longer" but we know it's coming. DQ11 was awesome. I can't wait for DQ12 Also... there were rumors of a possible DQ collection similar to what Konami is doing with their classics. I would LOVE to see a collection of DQ 1-6, and then another one 7-9.
  5. Me too. Halo Infinite is my most anticipated thing from MS for this E3. Hopefully they have some surprise announcement from one of their new studios, or the Initiative that gives us all something else awesome to look forward to seeing more of. But yea, Halo Infinite is going to be crazy. 1 week away
  6. Gears is going to be fucking awesome and a visual showcase The jump from Gears 4 to 5 is almost generational.
  7. Tomorrow's the big reveal!!! 2019 Believe
  8. Both sides are flip floppers let's be fucking real.. both equally as bad as the other The ACTUAL fact of the matter is... the higher the resolution the less having a "higher" resolution than the other becomes important. There IS a fall-off point. Yes, you can notice a difference between 1440p and 4K... The point isn't about some difference between fucking consoles. Who gives a god damn shit? The point is.. and developers know for a fact.. that there's better ways to spend your rendering budget after a point. Certain games benefit more from a higher resolution, ot
  9. The sharpening filter is still there. Less pronounced. Still there. DF calls out the black crush almost every single time. Upscaling does nothing to wash out images... that's bullshit. lol TAA in FC5 is quite good, and FC5 looks fine on PS4 Pro. The Xbox One X version isn't even native 4K. XOX PRO Besides the time of day lighting differences there's not a huge amount of appreciable difference between them from normal viewing distances. Sure if you want to count pixels and zoom in, you can see one is a bit shar
  10. I specifically state the major flaw the TAA largely addresses... which is jagged edges. Also, there's a large gulf in TAA quality across games. It's getting better now, but they aren't all created equal. Not to mention in that gif you posted... zoomed in... the Xbox version (with it's OS level sharpening filter and black crush) give the impression of more detail and makes the PS version appear washed out in comparison. Of course, I already mentioned that 4K resolves more detail... It's like you weren't listening.. or just wanted to argue.
  11. Resolution matters less now. That's a simple fact. Mostly because temporal AA fixes most of the major problems with resolutions like 1080p and 1440p. 4K obviously resolves much better details, but the worst thing about lower resolutions was the jaggy teporally unstable image it produced. Now we have post processing effects which enhance details, reduce jaggies, among other things, which improve the image quality well beyond what a game WOULD have looked like at those resolutions without those effects. Now games are getting into the more filmic presentation and the fact is, with all these
  12. Possibly.. but I think in those cases, it will be enough regardless. The devs that are out to try something different and make new gameplay experiences which actually take advantage of this tech (or require it) are definitely inclined to do so. This kind of stuff really CAN change the gameplay up and create opportunities to do things that weren't possible before.
  13. Me too. I think that with these transfer rates, and CPUs... even considering next gen assets, games should be easily able to be coded without much loading screens breaking up the gameplay. It's probably going to be a very well rounded system.
  14. It's not only about the transfer rate of the bus.. You have to remember that those rates aren't always sustained... and they have to decompress those assets as well. Luckily the consoles will have powerful CPUs to do just that, as well as controllers which make things faster. It's going to be much improved regardless.. on both sides. I think we'll see consoles pull ahead in loading times for a bit... but improvements to the way games are actually coded/threaded and designed will improve greatly to maximize potential that was already there on the PC side.
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