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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. great example, only the most celebrated game in the industry for the year of 2019: https://gotypicks.blogspot.com/ 9.0 is actually too low for that game
  2. This game is a complete farce and a waste of time and resources. Keep chasing the loser hermit demographic ms, lets see where it gets you. Only dead last and dropping further and further out of the gaming conscience. this game should be cancelled, or at the very least reworked front the ground up for console, canned on PC, and ported to PS4 ASAP.
  3. It's getting harder and harder to take these Forgot-N games seriously, there's no excuse for Vanquish not to be on Switch when we've got the #1 platform in the world.
  4. Gamespot tally this gen so far Uncharted 4 - 10.0 God of war - 9.0 Bloodborne - 9.0 / BloodBorne:The Old Hunters DLC - 9.0 Death Stranding - 9.0 Spiderman - 9.0 Horizon Zero Dawn - 9.0 The Last Guardian - 9.0 Shadow of the Colossus - 9.0 Gravity Rush 2 - 9.0 Wipeout Omega Collection - 9.0 Nioh - 9.0 Persona 5 - 9.0 Street Fighter 5 Arcade - 9.0 Journey - 10.0 Soundshapes - 9.0 MLB 18 - 9.0 Dreams -9.0 Forza Motorsport 5 - 9.0 Forza Horizon 3 - 9.0 Titanfall - 9.0
  5. What would they show at these non-events anyways? We know what’s left for ps4 (one hell of a lineup btw, with games like ff7, nioh2 and tlou2) and they can’t show anything ps5 related until they reveal the console. who cares.
  6. Anything other than another Switch exclusive should be considered a violent act, I have no sympathy for P* going forward. Any hostility surrounding the Bayonetta franchise and its Nsclusivity should be taken as an act of war from Nintendo.
  7. These versions should be banned from sale. Best on Switch.
  8. That's AAA by Xbox standards, I wonder if they got an SJW to review it.
  9. played it just now, awful, just awful. within the first 5 seconds you've pressed X a thousand times, don't listen to anyone who tries to say this is more than the umpteenth Dynasty Warriors flop. Fuck you Omega FOrce for developing these shitty games, and fuck anyone who sells their license off to this treatment. and lastly a huge fuck you to atlus, how dare they serve this slop up to Switch owners while they hold P5 hostage. This is a fucking travesty.
  10. Can't be any worse than MediEvil, what a POS that was
  11. can't justify it as it comes bundled with a woerthless worst-version of bayonetta. disgusting that they're still allowed to port bayo 1 to other platforms than switch.
  12. fuck. just bought catherine on PS4. Going to sell it ASAP now, Switch version or bust. Now I'm cancelling P5 Royal for sure, another fake exclusive delayed a bit by Sony's corrupt money.
  13. can;t help but feel the game deserves better than being mass-dumped onto gamepass (along with 5 other games) for pennies a month. What a degrading service this is. truly a disgusting business model that needs to go away from this industry forever.
  14. well that's one three years late, and now that's it's a $9 binner on PS4 nonrtheless. Just 1,2, (the 3,4,5 pack), 6, and 7 to go. Maybe in 2040 Phil's Japan Trips *paid for by your XBL fees) will net the whole series on Xflop.
  15. all they need to do is be able to play PS4 games, that's it. anything beyond that is just icing on the cake. It doesn't matter that MS has 4 gens of B/C because they've lost every exclusive across pretty much all 4 of those gens. Even with B/C they still look like a multiplat dumping ground box. Until MS can get some defining exclusives only available on their console, they'll always be on the brink of closing up shop and being thrown out of the console business. And No, PC Fauxclusives don't count either. Only on console or bust.
  16. So sick of the current combat system after like 10 games, can’t wait for this. It’s going to dethrone 0 as the best in the series.
  17. Psvr has more exclusives coming than xflopdone and psvr alone has more quality exclusives than ms has had all gen 🤣😂🤣
  18. After terrible previews and a general disinterest among gamers, looks like this game is a certified stinker. But keeping in trend with MS's releases this gen, we are left to wonder just how much lower they and their garbage pile developers can sink. my bet, 55.
  19. 91 meta, 95 preliminary score from GI, and Gamespot's preview is glowing. Looks like a legit AAAE
  20. Sakura Wars, Yakuza Remasters, Persona 5R, Granblue Fantasy VS
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